Thursday, June 13, 2013

Fathwa - It is permissible to offer prayer in trousers

I read in an islamic book that the Prophet ( salilahu alayhi wasalam )
forbade praying in saraweel without a cloak over them. The reference
is Sunan Abu Dawood hadith number 594. So is it really impermissible
to pray in saraweel or did the Islamic book make a mistake?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad
, is His Slave and Messenger.
The Hadeeth reported in Sunan Abu Daawood does not read like so;
rather, it states the prohibition of praying in Saraaweel (trousers)
without having Ridaa' which is the upper garment so that man's
shoulder may not become uncovered in prayer and that is something
prohibited. The Hadeeth does not prohibit offering prayer in
Saraaweel. Al-'Atheem Abaadi said in 'Awn Al-Ma'bood: " (The Prophet ,
prohibited) offering prayer in Saraaweel while having no Ridaa':
because one's shoulders will be exposed and they have tobe covered if
one is able to do so . The Prophet , said: " None of you should pray
in a single garment with nothing onhis shoulders. " [Al-Bukhaari] "
[End quote]
As for offering prayer in trousers, it is permissible,even if they are
tight though that is disliked according to some scholars.
For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 81610 .
Allaah Knows best.


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