Saturday, May 25, 2013

The best generations were the best to their parents

The early generations of Islam were the forerunners of the Muslim
nation since they excelled in all aspects of the religion: in their
acts of worship as well as their etiquette and manners with the people
around them.
They were especially devoted to their parents, as Aa'ishah recalled,
"Two of the Companions of the Prophet were the most dutiful in this
nation to their mothers: 'Uthmaan ibn 'Affaan and Haarithah ibn
An-Nu'maan . 'Uthmaan ibn 'Affaan said: 'Ever since I became a Muslim,
I never dared to look my mother in the eye' and as for Haarithah Ibn
An-Nu'maan he used to feed his mother with his own hands and would
never ask her to repeat herself if he did not understand her words,
but rather, he would ask those with him in the room after sheleft."
Once Ibn 'Umar both, was travelling and he met a bedouin on the way,
so he gave him a ride on his donkey, then he gave him his turban, Ibn
Deenaar said, "Wesaid to Ibn 'Umar both,he is a bedouin, and a little
satisfies them" so hereplied, "His father was a close friend of 'Umar
ibn Al-Khattaab, and I heard the Prophet, saying: "The best
dutifulness is when the son is kind to his father's close friends."
Some other stories that have reached us of the Taabi'oon (the
generation following theCompanions) and their kindness and good
treatment of their parents are as follows:
● Al-Fadhl bin Yahya was kind to his father, who habitually made
ablution with warm water. When they were both imprisoned, the jailer
forbade Al-Fadhl to kindle fire to heat water for his father, so he
drewa brass vessel full of water near a lamp; when morning came the
water had become hot and thushis father could make ablution with it.
The jailer then forbade him to heat water by using the lamp, so he
took the vessel to his bed and attached it to his stomach; when
morning came the water had become slightly warm.
● Hafsah bint Sireen used to ask forgiveness for her son Huthayl, and
say, "Huthayl used to bring sugar cane and dry it out during the
summer so that it would give no smoke when burnt. When winter came, he
would quietly light a fire with this dried cane behind me while I was
praying during the night,just enough to warm me without me being
disturbed by its smoke. I would say to him: 'O son! Go to your family
tonight', and he would reply: 'They do not need anything'; so I would
allow him to stay and he would sometimes stay until morning."
● Muhammad ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan was very dutiful to his father and
whenever his father would call him, he would not answer him while
sitting down, but would jump up and rush to stand next to his head
(while he was lying down) to reply to his requests, and if he did not
understand then he would not ask him for an explanation but would ask
others with them in the room out of respect.
● Az-Zubayr ibn Hishaam was very dutiful to hisfather, and whenever he
received cold water (for drinking) in the summer, he would first taste
it, if he found it cold enough, then he would send to his father.
● 'Awn ibn 'Abdullaah was called by his mother once, and when he
answered his voice was alittle too loud, so he freed two slaves for
● Haywah ibn Shurayh was a great Muslim scholar. Once, while he was
giving a lecture, his mother called him and said: "O Haywah! Get up
and feed the chickens" sohe left the study circle and did as she
asked. - - ▓███▓ Translator:->
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