Thursday, May 9, 2013

Missed Prayers Behind anImam Praying a Current One

Question: Is it possible to intend a make up fard prayer behind an imam praying a current one?for example, during ramadan would it be possible to make up prayers with the taraweeh jama'at? also, what is best in terms of order of making up missed prayers? (i have a few years to make up inshaAllah) Answer: Question: I have, to my great shame, many years of missed fard prayers to make-up. During Ramazan, is it permissible for me to join in the tarawih jamaat but with the intention of praying make-up fajr prayers? Solution: Yes, this is permissible. However, it is not recommended to do so for at least two reasons: 1. It is recommended to offer makeup prayers in the order in which they were missed. You could still do this by praying fajr behind the imam, then dhuhr, then asr, etc. For anything other than fajr you would simply rise and pray the remaining rak'ahs. However, one should be careful not to annoy or distract other people in the congregation with one's actions. 2. It is not sunna to offer a missed prayer behind an imam who is praying a current prayer. Allah the Exalted knows best.

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