Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Believers must not fall into atheist masons' vile traps

The antichrist, described in the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) and in
Christianity as appearing in the final age of the world, is at work at
this very moment. According to the hadiths and to some sections of the
Bible, the system of the antichrist will assume dominion over the
whole world and will attract followersby depicting itself as
religious, though it will in fact inflict cruelty and destruction on
the world, and has deceived millions of people with its misleading
external appearance.
This system of the antichrist is atheist Freemasonry. All the
descriptions of atheist Freemasonry and atheistMason's current
influence on the world are in full agreement with the descriptions of
the antichrist in the hadiths and the Bible. One of the main
attributes of the antichrist revealed in thehadiths is that he is a
complete denier, and that despite his being engaged in a struggle
against Allah he has deceived some people by claiming to act in His
name. Atheist Masons, too, employ such concepts, which sound pleasant
to most people, as "human love, tolerance, universal brotherhood and
the path of reason and science" in describing themselves. They go even
further in their rituals of admission, swearing by placing their hands
on the Holy books, thus trying to give the impression of being
religious. The fact is, however, that the most fundamental feature of
atheist Freemasonry is that it is totally opposed to religious moral
values and rests on a foundation of irreligion.
The philosophy known as "humanism" that represents the basis of
atheist Freemasonry expects that people will attach importance to and
love themselves and one another, rather thanAllah. Of course, every
human being is of value as a manifestation of Allah, and from that
point of view will love and value everyone else,but the concept that
superstitious humanist philosophy indoctrinatespeople with as
humanityand love has absolutely nothing to do with true love and
humanity. That is because at the basis ofhumanism lies in a denial of
Allah's manifestexistence. It leads peopleto denial and encourages the
heresy that man is supposedly the creator and a deity. (Surely Allah
is beyond that.) The Social Protocolof the Grand Orient, published by
the TurkishMasonic lodges in 1923, refers to this heretical philosophy
as follows:
"We will no longer recognize Allah asthe purpose of life. We have
created a purpose. That purpose is mankind, not Allah." (Surely Allah
is beyond that.)
The Turkish Masonic journal Mimar Sinan describes Freemasonry's
heretical view of belief in Allah in these terms:
"Therefore, if we examine our temple and if we examine ourselves, we
go to the 'Great Architect of the Universe.' And we see that the Great
Architect of the universe is within ourselves." ( Mimar Sinan , Year
25, No. 27-28, p. 40)
The main reason why atheist Freemasonry pretends tobe religious,
despite being a heretical system that denies Allah, is in order to
deceive people, give the impression of having spiritual aims and
convince people of the lie that it will spread love and tolerance in
society. This method is an exact attribute of the antichrist described
in the hadiths and the Bible.
This property of the antichrist is described in the Bible as follows:
Don't let anyonedeceive you in any way, for (that day will not come)
until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed ,
the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself
over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets
himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God . (2
Thessalonians 2:3-4) (Surely Allah is beyond that.)
This feature of the antichrist, of the present-day atheist Masonic
system in other words, is described in the same way in the hadiths,
wherein it is stated that the antichristwill deify himself (surely
Allah is beyond that) andappear as a false deity:
"When he [the antichrist] says 'I am the Lord of the worlds...'."
(Surely Allah is beyond that.) ( Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat
al-sa'ahSigns , p. 218 )
"He [the antichrist] will say, 'Go now, and tell people that I am
their Lord; tell them of my paradise andhell'... He is your Lord, and
has come to rule among you, and he has paradise and hell..." (Surely
Allah is beyond that.) ( Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah ,
p. 218)
The system of the antichrist, atheist Freemasonry in other words, that
has assumeddominion over the world in order to deceive and lead people
to destruction, and set believers against one another, makes
misleading suggestions to Christians in order to conceal its true
purpose. It tells Christians the lie that "I am not the antichrist.
The antichrist is Muslims and Jews." This stratagem has paid off in
some places. Atheist Freemasonry has deceived some Christianswith this
technique and has attempted to set believers against one another. The
antichrist has also employed the same technique against Muslims,
deceiving some of them by depicting Christians and Jews as their
By seeking to deceive the members of the three faiths, the antichrist
intends to findeasy scope for his activity and to find it easier to
lead people to cruelty and heresy. Indeed, through certain circles
under his influence, it has been carrying out that task formany years.
Atheist Freemasonry employs a deceptive tactic, rather like a burglar
caught red-handed by the police telling them the owner of the house is
actually the thief. As the police turn their attention to the wrong
person, the burglar escapes and continues stealing. That is the vile
ruse that atheist Freemasonry is employing today. By claiming that it
is not theantichrist, it is able to persist in its destructive,
damaging and bloody activities. Moreover, the great mass of people
areunaware of this stratagem, which has spread right across the world.
It is therefore ofgreat importance for this stratagem to be thwarted
at once. As descendants of the Prophet Abraham (peacebe upon him), all
believers must engage ina determined intellectual struggle against
atheist Freemasonry, the worst antichrist of the present age. Whatever
their faith, all sincere believers in the one Allah must unite, thwart
this vile ruse of the antichrist and demolish this ideological system.
The most correct thing to do in this blessed age when we are awaiting
the coming of Hazrat Mahdi and the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them
both), is to be on our guard against satan's deceptive snares and to
put an end to the oppressive system that atheist Freemasonry has
installed against mankind all over the world. By Allah's leave and as
a requirement of His promise, true believers will attain salvation and
will overcome the antichrist. In one verse of the Qur'an our Lord
As for those who make Allah their friend, and His Messenger and those
who believe: it is the party of Allah who are victorious! (Surat
al-Ma'ida, 56)
Freemasons in their rituals of admission, swear by placing their hands
on the Holy books, thus try to give the impression ofbeing religious.
The fact is, however, that the most fundamental feature of Freemasonry
is that it is totally opposed to religious moral values and rests on a
foundation of irreligion. - - ▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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