Sunday, April 14, 2013

Devout Jews are our brothers, who hold to a sincere faith of the oneness of Allah, and entrusted to us by him

Almighty Allah created the entire universe and everything in it from
nothing. All living things in this world are born and die, and
everything has an allotted life span. There is nothing in the universe
that will not cease to exist nor any living thing that is immortal. As
revealed in the Qur'an, Allah is the First and the Last (Surat
al-Hadid, 3). He has no beginning and no end. Allah, Lord of the
Worlds,is the lord of all infinity and above time and space. He
existed before all things and will exist after them.
Everything that lives will one day cease to live and return to the
earth. The universe will one day come to an end. It is our Almighty
Lord Who is immortal and Who willexist for ever. Infinity lies in Him
Allah, the Creator of the entire universe, living orinanimate, is the
"Hayy," He Who is always alive, Who controls all things at all
moments, the omniscient, the all-powerful, He Who is unfettered by
deficiency.No servant has any power to do anything unless Allah so
wills, and cannot remain in this world for a second longer than Allah
wills. Almighty Allah reveals in the verses of the Qur'an that there
is no other god than Him:
Your God is One God. There is no god but Him, the All-Merciful, the
Most Merciful. (Surat al-Baqara, 163)
Allah bears witness that there is no god but Him, as do the angels and
the people of knowledge, upholding justice. There is no god but Him,
the Almighty, the All-Wise. (Surah Al 'Imran, 18)
Allah says, "Do not take two gods. He is only One God. So dread Me
alone."(Surat an-Nahl, 51)
Say: "He is Allah, Absolute Oneness." (Surat al-Ikhlas, 1)
He is Allah. There is no god but Him. Praise be to Him in this world
and the Hereafter. Judgment belongs to Him. You will be returned to
Him. (Surat al-Qasas, 70)
Islam is a monotheistic faith. Muslims with a sincere devotion to
Allahbelieve, as required in Islam, IN THE ONENESS OF ALLAH, THAT HE
IS THE SOLE LORD of the earth and sky and all that lies between, and
that THERE IS NO OTHER CREATOR THAN ALLAH . According to the Qur'an,
those whoascribe equals to Allah, who slander Him saying that Allah
"had a son," (surely Allah is beyond that) or who fail to properly
appreciate His might are making a terrible error. Allah reveals the
position of such people in the Qur'an:
They say, "Allah has a son." Glory be to Him! Heis the Rich Beyond
Need. Everything in the heavens and everything on the earth belongs to
Him. Have you authority to say this or are you saying about Allah what
you do not know? (Surah Yunus, 68)
And say: "Praise be to Allah Who has had no son and Who has no partner
in His Kingdom and Who needs no one to protect Him from abasement."
And proclaim His Greatness repeatedly! (Surat Al-Isra', 111)
But those who believe have greater love for Allah. If only you could
see those who do wrongat the time when they see the punishment,
andthat truly all strength belongs to Allah, and that Allah is severe
in punishment. (Surat al-Baqara, 165)
The Oneness of Allah in Judaism:
Devout Jews, sincerely devoted to Allah are, according to the Qur'an,
our brothers entrusted to us by Allah. Muslims have a responsibility
to protect the People of theBook and establish a climate of peace and
security throughout their lives. That is because they have a truefaith
in Allah and believein His Oneness.
Judaism is a divine faith that adheres to Oneness of Allah as
described in the Qur'an. In Islam and Judaism the Oneness of Allah is
expressed by the word "ahad," meaning "singleness." Just like Muslims,
Jews express the "Oneness" of Allah in their prayers. Devout Jews are
our brothers who believe in the Oneness of Allah, scrupulously avoid
ascribing equals to Him, praise Allah with all theirhearts and believe
in theexistence of the Hereafter, the prophets, Paradise and hell with
all their hearts. The powerful bond of love and brotherhood between
the worthy Rabbi Menachem Froman, who has been to Istanbul as Adnan
Oktar's guest, and AdnanOktar himself is one of the finest
manifestationsof this. As Almighty Allah has promised, the stronger
this union grows, the stronger belief in Allah will become and
eventually rule the entire world.
The Oneness of Allah is described as follows in the Torah:
I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God…
so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may
know there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other.
(Isaiah, 45:5-6)
…I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me.
(Isaiah, 46:9)
So that all the peoples ofthe earth may know thatthe Lord is God and
that there is no other. (1. Kings, 8:60)
"Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and
there is no other. (Isaiah, 45:22)
This is what the Lord says: …'Surely God is with you, and there is
noother; there is no other god.' (Isaiah, 45:14)
The Lord our God, the Lord is one. (Deuteronomy, 6:4)
O Lord; no deeds can compare with Yours. All the nations You have made
will come and worship before You, O Lord; they will bring glory to
Your name. For You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are
God. (Psalms, 86:8-10)
"O Lord Almighty … You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the
earth. You have made heaven and earth. (Isaiah, 37:16)
… so that all kingdoms on earth may know that You alone, O Lord, are
God. (Isaiah, 37:20)
This is what the Lord says your Redeemer, Who formed you in the womb:
I am the Lord, Who has made all things,Who alone stretched outthe
heavens, Who spread out the earth by Myself. (Isaiah, 44:24)
Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has
seen any God besides You, Who acts onbehalf of those who wait for Him.
(Isaiah, 64:4)
For this is what the Lord says— He Who created the heavens, He is God;
He Who fashioned and made the earth, He founded it; He did not create
it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— He says: "I am the
Lord, and there isno other." (Isaiah, 45:18)
… Who foretold this longago, Who declared it from the distant past?
Was it not I, the Lord ? And there is no God apart from Me, a
righteous God and a Savior; there is none but Me. (Isaiah, 45:21)
"See now that I myself am He! There is no god besides Me. I put to
death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal…
(Deuteronomy, 32:39)
… so that you may know there is no one like the Lord our God. (Exodus, 8:10)
"O Lord... there is no Godlike you in heaven aboveor on earth below.
(1 Kings, 8:23)
Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said,"LORD, there is no one
like you to help the powerless against the mighty..." (2 Chronicles,
I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me thereis no savior. (Isaiah, 43:11)
There is no one like you, O LORD, and there is no God but you, as we
have heard with our own ears. (1 Chronicles, 17:20)
There is no one holy [a] like the LORD; there is noone besides you;
there is no Rock like our God. (1 Samuel, 2:2)
His wisdom is profound, his power is vast. Who has resisted him and
come out unscathed? (Job, 9:4)
For you are great and domarvelous deeds; you alone are God. (Psalms, 86:10)
Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing
greatness.(Psalms, 150:2)
You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest
heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it,
the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the
multitudes of heaven worship you. (Nehemiah, 9:6)
They will say of me, 'In the LORD alone are righteousness and
strength.' (Isaiah, 45:24)
You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD is
God; besides him there isno other. (Deuteronomy,4:35)
... Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know
not one." (Isaiah, 44:8)
The Alliance among All Believers in Allah Will Prepare a Glorious
Ground for the Time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)
The alliance to be established between all those who truly believe in
the existence and Oneness of Allah, the Hereafter, the Day of
Judgment, the prophets, the angels and Paradise and Hell will
eliminate allthe vile activities of atheism, Darwinism and
materialism, which are all opposed to belief in Allah, and will
further strengthen believers. By Allah's leave, the coming of Hazrat
Mahdi (as) is close at hand. This blessed period will be one in which
Allah's name will be remembered as One and Only in the entire world.
As this holy time approaches, we must prepare the way for the coming
of Hazrat Mahdi (as) as the vanguard of his time and strive to spread
and strengthen belief in Allah across the world. And to that end, we
must all act as one. Certainly, Allah is He whostands in need of
nothing and does what He wants when He wants. The efforts to be made
by all believers to strengthen faith in Allah is an excellent prayer.
There is no doubt that Almighty Allah is He who will keep His promise.
Muslims' call to the People of the Book, they who believe in the one
Allah, is revealed thus in a verse:
Say, "People of the Book! come to a proposition which is the same for
us and you – that we should worship none but Allah and not associate
any partners with Him and not take one another as lords besides
Allah."(Surah Al 'Imran, 64)

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¤ Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa barakatuh ¤
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