Sunday, April 14, 2013

Darwinist publications are now admitting the harm done to the world by Darwinist corruption

A subject that Adnan Oktar discussed in his book The Social
Weapon:Darwinism , first published in 2004, and later in a number of
articles in the wake of a number of subsequent developments, has now,
years later, appeared in world famous Darwinist publications. The
subjectis the school massacres that Darwinist corruption has brought
with it. The common feature of the large number of school massacres
concerned is that they were perpetrated by young students "in the name
ofevolution" and in the name of "natural selection."
The Timesonline web site set the connection between Darwinism and the
killings in question out on 8 November, 2009, while in Turkey daily
Haberturk also covered the story on 9 November, 2009, under the
caption "High SchoolKillings down to Darwin." The fact is, however,
that the massacres in question took place at various intervals over
the previous 10 years. Furthermore, the young people doing the
shooting in all these massacres announced that they were doing so
because of Darwinism. Each one believed, as a requirement of Darwinist
ideology, that the weak needed to be eliminated and destroyed. Because
they regarded their friends and teachers as animals, it was not hard
to slaughter them with thatmindset. On the contrary, they thought that
killing these people would contribute to society and the future.
Darwinism is just such a perverted belief. It has been around since
ancient Sumerian times and assumed the form ofa dictatorship, with
masonic support and propaganda, in the wake of Darwin's the Origin of
Species , since when it has constantly wreaked devastation on society.
Under the rule ofcommunist and fascist dictators with a huge
admiration for Darwin, the world wars were where Darwinist ideology
has been fully implemented. Three hundred fifty million people were
martyred or slaughtered in these conflicts. This terrible bloodshed is
the most savage consequence of heretical Darwinist ideology. These
great world wars have now been replaced by murders, massacres, civil
conflicts, degeneration and racism. School massacres are a further and
terrifying dimensionof this devastation and destruction wreaked by
If a young person regards his family, friends, teachers and other
people as animals, if he believes that everything in his life, himself
included, is the work of chance, and if he thinks that the strongmust
survive while the weak are eliminated anddestroyed, then it is
veryeasy for such a young person to slaughter someone he "regards as
unnecessary and worthless according to natural selection." The person
concerned may be his mother, teacher or best friend. In his eyes, each
is just a kind of animal. It is impossible, unless Allah wills
otherwise, to win such a person over with such subjects as moral
virtue, family values, altruism, love, affection or compassion.
Because such a person's ideology and perspective on the world are
totally different. In order for such a person to understand love and
affection he would have to posses love and fear of Allah, and love of
man. But these two beliefs have no place in the Darwinist mindset.
Therefore, the young person must first be freed from that Darwinist
mindset if he is to be taught love and moral virtue.
Such a young person willonly begin to think normally once he knows
that all beings are not created by chance and that it is Almighty
Allah Who created him and all those around him. He will realize that
Allah hasbrought him into the world for a purpose, that he lives for a
reasonand that there is wisdombehind the fact of death.He will realize
that Allah bestows constant blessings on him throughout his life. He
will realize that there is not a moment of chance in his existence or
life. He will be held to account by Allah for every moment of his life
and will be responsible for all the blessings bestowed on him. Because
an eternal life awaits him in the Hereafter. In order to deserve that
greatest happiness in life, Paradise, one must strivethroughout one's
life to earn Allah's approval and strive to posses the moral virtues
that are pleasing to Allah. Only then can such a person become aware
that all entities bear the spirit ofAllah, that all beings are
manifestations of the beauty of Allah, and that we need to strive for
theHereafter. Only then can such a person be told about moral virtue,
love,affection, loyalty and compassion. Belief in Allah will recreate
such aperson as an individual full of peace and love and with a brand
new, immaculate perspective. He will finally abandon all feelings of
destruction, fear and hatred, brought with it by Darwinist ideology,
infavor of feelings of love, affection and friendship.
Those who stand up and say, "Darwinism is a thing of the past, so
whydo people regard it as a threat?" must realize what society becomes
because of Darwinism. They must see that there will be no more wars,
civil conflicts, terror, murder or slaughter in the world if Darwinism
iseradicated from it. They must realize that moral evils such as
Darwinism and degeneration, hatred and anger, the consequences of the
irreligion inflicted by Darwinism, will all come to an end. Darwinism
is the fundamental source of all the scourges and unrest afflicting
the world today. For that reason it is essential to wage an
intellectual campaign against this pagan and heretical religion until
Darwinism has vanished from the world.
Almighty Allah reveals in verses that:
Allah has given you wives from among yourselves, and given you
children and grandchildren from yourwives, and provided good things
for you. So why do they believe in falsehood and reject the blessings
of Allah, and worship, instead of Allah, things that have no control
over their provision from the heavens or Earth in any way, and are
themselves completely impotent? Donot try to make metaphors for Allah.
Allah knows and you do not know. (Surat an-Nahl, 72-74)
Links to articles by Adnan Oktar' from various times in which he
discusses the link between school massacres and Darwinism:
social_weapon/social_weapon09.php - -
▓███▓ Translator:-> ▓███▓ - -

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