Friday, March 8, 2013

Zamzam Water: The history & significance -III

The chemical analysis of Zamzam Water
Dr. Ahmad Abdul-Qaadir Al-Muhandiss indicates that the results of
chemical analyses showthat Zamzam Water is pure water, without color
or smell, has a distinct taste, and its hydrogen exponent is 7.5,
indicating that it is alkaline to some extent.
A study conducted in American laboratories showed that traces of
thirty elements were identifiedin Zamzam water by means of energizing
neutrons. Some of these elements scored less than 0.01.
After matching up the chemical analysis to international
specifications, especially to the specifications of the World
HealthOrganization (WHO), results proved the portability of
Zamzamwater as well as its beneficial effect on the body health.
Additionally, sodium is very high in Zamzam water and the
international specifications do not put a limit to the measurement of
its composition.
I 9 8
37 o
o. I 5
o. I 5
o. I 2
This is an Analysis of a study conducted in the laboratory of the
Department of Water and Waste Water Treatment, the Western Province,
Saudi Arabia ( I 4 oo H.)
Zamzam water has also been treated by ultraviolet rays, and microbes
have no place to survive in it, which means that Zamzam water
preserves its taste and is not a congenial environment for bacteria.
According to various chemical analyses, dry weather make: Zamzam more
saline through evaporation, which is, with Allaah's might, good for
the human body.
In conclusion, it becomes clear that we should believe in the
Prophet's miracles and that he as described by Allaah (what meant):
"Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only Inspiration that is
inspired." [Quran 53: 3-41]
Prophet Muhammad said:"Zamzam water is a lavish meal and a great
healer," and,"Zamzam water is what one intends to drink it for." Thus,
it is a Sunnah to Drink Zamzam water,wash with it, and splash it on a
sick person.
The Benefits of Drinking Zamzam Water
Ibn 'Abbaas said: "The peopleof Makkah used to be the fastest when it
comes to sprinting, and the most powerful when it comes to wrestling,
but as soon as they stopped drinking Zamzamwater, they started to
suffer froma disease in their legs."
He also said that the Messenger of Allaah had said: "Zamzam water is
what one intends to drink for. When one drinks it to be healed, Allaah
heals him; when one drinks it be full, Allaah makes him full; and when
one drinks it to quench his thirst, Allaah quenches it." [Ahmad and
Ibn Maajah]
There is no doubt that drinking Zamzam water is very beneficial. Thus,
dear brothers and sisters! One should drink Zamzam water because it is
the best water on earth. Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him,
said that the Prophet had said: "The best water on earth is Zamzam
All the above proves the authenticity of the narration:"Zamzam water
is what one intends to drink for." Additionally, many Islamic scholars
drank it and experiencedits dazzling effects. For instance, Imaam Abu
Haneefah drank from Zamzam water in order to be a knowledgeable
scholar and he became the best among the scholars in his era.
Al-Bakri said: "I tried (Zamzam water) and sensed the truth about what
had been said about it, and when I drank it, I had no doubt about its
amazing effect."
It is also true that Imaam Shaafi'i felt its tangible results whenhe
drank Zamzam water in order to be a knowledgeable person and a good
arrow shooter, fittingnine out of ten targets at a time.
Al-Ajmi said that when drinking Zamzam water one should ask for
forgiveness from sins, one may say: "O Allaah! It came to my knowledge
that your Prophet said, 'Zamzam water is what one intends to drink it
for.' O Allaah! I am drinking it to forgive me. O Allaah! Forgive
me."Besides, when someone drinks it to be healed, it is good to say:
"O Allaah! I am drinking it to be healed. O Allaah! Heal me."
The ruling of carrying Zamzam Water outside Makkah
Al-Imaam Al-Faarisi mentioned that it is permissible to carry Zamzam
water outside Makkah according to the four juristic schools, and that
it is even recommended by Imaam Maalik and Imaam Shaafi'ee .
'Aa'ishah also mentioned that the Prophet, salallaahu alayhi wa
sallam, and herself used to do that. [At-Tirmithi]. Abu Hasan said:
"The Prophet wrote to Suhayl Ibn 'Amr : 'If you receive my message at
night, do not wait till the morning, and if you receive it in the
morning do not wait till night; just immediately send me some Zamzam
water.' Then, Suhail's wife with the help of his grandfather, Ayoob
Ibn 'Abdullaah, and their maids carried Zamzam water at night…"[Abu
Moosaa Al-Madeeni & Al-Azraqi]
Attaa stated that Ka'bah Al-Ahbaar used to carry it to ancient Syria.
'Aa'ishah carried Zamzam in bottles for sick people. The Prophet also
carried it in leather bags and used to pour it on the sick and give it
to them as a drink. [Al-Faakihi]

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