Friday, March 8, 2013

Zamzam Water: The history & significance -II

Venerable Even Before Islam
After the rebirth of Zamzam on the hands of Abdul-Muttalib, the
Makkans accorded Zamzam the veneration itdeserved. They used to drink
from Zamzam whenever they were about to engage in matter of grave
Al-Haarith Ibn Khaleefah As-Sa'di narrated that Quraysh always
commenced their preparation to fend enemies by drinking from Zamzam.
This was so customary that one could easily infer the gravity of
matters from the collection of pots near Zamzam.
The Makkans realized that Zamzam was blessedwater. They sought its
blessing in matters of gravity, and many a timesit was the difference.
The Location of the Well
The well is located only few paces from the Ka'bah, behind the Maqaam
(the stepping stone which Ibraaheem used while building the Ka'bah) to
the left. Its location is now clearly marked on the marbles of the
Mataaf (the nearly circular open space where the pilgrims
circumambulate around the Ka'bah). The well itself was lowered below
the ground to facilitate the modernization of water extraction from
the well, and to remove all obstacles from the path of Tawaaf.
It is worth mentioning that there are other wellsnamed Zamzam after
the original one. Such a well can be found, for example, in Madeenah.
The Names of Zamzam
Like any object of reverence, Zamzam commands both love and respect.
In addition to the sublime nature and the loft history of this unique
water, its attributes have originated its many names. Some of its
namesthat are related to its sublimity are `blessing' and `blessed'.
Another beautiful name is 'Bushra' which signifies glad tidings for
the believers.
Its lofty history contributed to its many names, such as 'sanctified'.
Another set of names derive from thefact that the Archangel Gabriel
(Jibreel) unearthed the water, such as 'Hamzat Jibreel' and 'Wat'at
Jibreel', with both names referring to the act of knocking the ground
open by the Archangel.
Zamzam's attributes, however, account for most of its names. Some of
these attributes were learned from teachings of the Prophet ;
otherswere coined as descriptive names for physical and spiritual
attributes of the water. These names include, for example, 'a cure for
illness', and 'a food for hunger'. It is also called 'sufficient',
'beneficent', and 'pure and sweet'.
The Heavenly Connection
Ibn 'Abbaas related that when a man drowned in Zamzam much of the
water was removed out of the well in order to retrieve the body. After
removing the body, Ibn 'Abbaas told the man who was at the bottom of
the well to collect water from the wellspring which flows from the
direction of the Ka'bah. The source of thiswellspring, said Ibn
'Abbaas is from Paradise. 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Amr corroborates the same
reference to the heavenly connection. This gives Zamzam yet a further
distinction whereby this earthly stream is mixed with water from
Paradise. Thisis a most generous gift ofAllaah.
A Clear Sign
Al-Masjid Al-Haraam (The Sacred Mosque in Makkah) is the first Houseof
worship appointed formankind. Along with this appointment, Allaah
blessed this sacred place with many signs of distinction. Allaah Says
(what means): "Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for
mankind was that at Bakkah (Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance
for Al-'Aalameen (the mankind and jinn). In it are manifest signs (for
example), the Maqaam (place) of Ibraaheem (Abraham); whosoever enters
it, he attains security..." [Quran 3:96-97]
Zamzam is one of those signs. Chronologically it isthe first, for when
Ibraaheem, the Patriarch left his wife and infant son at the barren
valley, following Allaah's command, he made a humble request: "O our
Lord!I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivable
valley by Your SacredHouse (the Ka'bah at Makkah) in order, O our
Lord, that they may perform salaah (prayer). So fill some hearts among
men with love towards them, and (O Allaah)provide them with fruits so
that they may give thanks." [Quran 14:37] Zamzam was the first among
many fruits.
A Perpetual Water
One of the greatest attributes of Zamzam is that it will never dry up.
This is a gift from Allaah to Makkah and to its pilgrims. Ibn 'Abbaas
narrated that the Prophet said: "... May Allaah bestow his mercy upon
her (Hagar, the mother of Ismaa'eel), hadshe let go (of the water of
Zamzam) it would have become a spring (rather than a well) whose water
shall never dry." [Ahmad]
Every year, millions upon millions of pilgrims drink Zamzam water,
which has been around for thousands of years. It is fed daily to the
Prophet's mosque in Madeenah in large quantities, and is packaged and
shipped tomillions of Muslims worldwide, without the slightest blemish
in its flow. It is the epitome of munificence; the more we drink, the
more it gives.
A Friend of the Believer
Ibn 'Abbaas narrated that the Prophet said:"One difference between us
(believers) and the hypocrites is that they could not drink much from
Zamzam." [Ibn Maajah]
A Muslim loves Zamzam and drinks it abundantly until he is full,
whereas a hypocrite could not. This inability is caused by innate
dislike to whatever the believers do in accordance with Allaah's
wishes, which, in turn, causes the wretched one to forsake this divine
gift for a meremortal one.

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