Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hazrat Maimoonah (R.A)

She was the daughter of Harith bin Hazan. Her original name was Barrah
but she was later renamed Maimoonah by the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله
عليه وسلم). She was first married to Abu Rahim bin Abdul Uzza.
According to some reports, she was married twice before she became
Ummul Mominin. She hadbeen widowed lately when the Prophet Mohammad
(صلى الله عليه وسلم) married her at Saraf, a place lyingon his journey
to Mecca for 'Umrah in Zul Qa'dah 7 A.H. He had intended tostart
living with her when in Mecca after performing 'Umrah but, as Qureysh
did not allow him to enter Mecca, he called her over to him in the
same place on his return journey. Many years later she died and was
buried exactly at the same place in 51 A. H. (when she was 81).
This is a strange coincidence that at a certain place during one
Journey she is married, atthe same place on the return journey she
starts living with the Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and at
the very place during another journey she dies and is buried.
Hadhrat Aishah (R.A) says:"Maimoonah was the most pious, and the most
mindful of her kith and kin, among the Prophet Mohammad's (صلى
اللهعليه وسلم) wives."
Hadhrat Yazid bin Asam (R.A) says: "She was seen either engaged in
Salaat or in domestic work. When she was doing neither, she was busy
in Miswak." She was the lastwoman to be married by the Prophet
Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Certain Muhaddithin have, however,
mentioned one or two other marriages contracted by the Prophet
Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم).

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