Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dought & clear,- Ruling on learning recitation and tajweed of Qur’an by means of anelectronic pen.

There is a Quran out which is called "Quran pen reader 9" which helps
you better your tajweed and you can listen to different reciters and
when you press the Quran with thepen they give it says it out loud the
verse you have pressed and you can pick different reciters so you can
remember it and correct your tajweed and the Quran it self has
interactive buttons on the side like e.g tafsir of the ayah ,which
qari youwant to chose ,change the level of volume and pick which
language you want etc
I wanted to know do I still read this Quran like a normal Quran and
will I get the same reward ofreading this then a normal one were this
one helps me correct my mistakes and makes me understand the Quran
more and it is the full Quran with just it being interactive and I was
thinking will this be a sort of bidah? But theresmore benefit in this
as I have mensioned everything this does for the improvement of
understand and correct my tajweed and knowledge in the Quran?
Praise be to Allah.
There is no kind of bid'ah (innovation) in the program mentioned,in
sha Allah, because thisis a new educational means in which there is
nothing contrary to Islam, that helps one learn how to read Qur'an
correctly and helps one to memorise itand understand its meanings.
This is like using computers, modern recording devices, videos and so
on to record and broadcast lectures and the like. Such things do not
comeunder the heading of bid'ah.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Bid'ah means
worshipping Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, in ways other than
what Hehas prescribed. Based onthat, innovation does not include
anything other than acts of worship. Rather, newly developed or
introducedworldly matters may be examined to see whether they are
halaal or haraam, but it cannot be said that they are bid'ah. … Based
on that, what people have introduced nowadays of things that are used
to help in matters of worship cannot be said to be bid'ah even if they
did not exist (at the timeof the Prophet (blessingsand peace of Allah
be upon him)). That includes loudspeakers. Loudspeakers did not exist
at the time of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him);
rather they were introduced recently, but they serve a religious
purpose, as they convey to the people the prayer,recitation and
khutbah of the imam. The same applies to organising lectures, as they
achieve good and serve the interests of the people, so they are good.
Therefore buying loudspeakers for the mosque for this purpose is
something that is prescribed, for which a person will be rewarded.
End quote from Noor 'alaad-Darb, 2/426
Please see also the answer to question no. 3175 and 95430
In the answer to question no. 88728 and 112763 we have stated that
listening attentively to recitation of the Qur'an outside of
prayer,whether it is recitation from a reciter or via a recorder, is
not obligatory, although it ismustahabb and prescribed.
There is nothing wrong with repeating after the reciter in order to
perfect one's recitation or to review when memorising. Using this
electronic pen to help you to memorise, perfectyour recitation,
correct mistakes and learn about the commentary on the verses is
something praiseworthy; there is nothing wrong with it insha Allah.
With regard to reward, listening to recitation from a machine is not
like listening directly to the reciter, as we have explained
previously in the answer to question no. 112763
Similarly, listening is not like reciting; rather reciting it is
better than listening. However, varying between prescribed acts of
worship is a good thing and is something required, and it is better
than not doing some of them all of the time.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
A person will be rewarded for his good intention and for listening to
recitation of the Qur'an, commentaries thereon and Prophetic hadeeths,
whether that is from the lips of a reciter or from arecorded voice on
the radio or otherwise, although the basic principle with regard to
listening to the recitation of the Qur'an, that was narrated from the
early generations, is that it should be listening to the voice of the
reciter himself, without any intermediary. And if a person recites
Qur'an himself, pondering the meaning and with humble focus of mind,
that is better and greater in reward.
End quote from Fataawa wa Rasaa'il Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem, 13/81
Reciting whilst listening to tajweed of the Qur'an and correcting
mistakes is better than mere recitation in which the reciter makes
mistakes, because correct recitation with tajweed is better than
recitation without tajweed and that in which there are mistakes.
That applies to the one who does not know howto recite properly with tajweed.
But if you do not know how to recite Qur'an well, then reciting Qur'an
with tajweed, following a reciter who recites with tajweed by means of
the electronic pen, is better than simply reading Qur'an and making
some mistakes and not reciting with tajweed. But for one who knows how
to recite well with tajweed, it is better for him to stick to reciting
from the Mushaf or reciting from memory, if he has memorised it,
because this is the basic principle – to recite Qur'an without
combining it with listening – because this is how it was done by the
early generations, the imams, and the people after them. And because
that helps the reciter to achieve properfocus and ponder the meanings.
But sometimes it is prescribed for him to focus on listening to
recitation from someoneelse, especially if that person recites well
and it will be of greater benefit to him.
However, there is no limit to the bounty of Allah and the blessings He
bestows upon His slaves. But the recitation of one who is skilled in
recitation is better than the recitation of someone else. If a person
strives hard to learn properly and memorise, although thatis difficult
for him, Allah that will reward him for that and will make up for his
shortcomings, as al-Bukhaari (4937) and Muslim (798) narrated that
'Aa'ishah said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him) said: "The one who is skilled in reciting Qur'aan will be
with the noble, honourable scribes and the one who recites Qur'aan and
falters therein, and finds it difficult, will have a double reward."
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
The one who is skilled is the one who has memorised it precisely, and
he does not falter orfind it difficult to recite because he has
memorised it properly. As for the one who falters therein, he is the
one who falters in his recitation because he does not have a good
memory. He will have a double reward: a reward for reciting and a
reward for faltering in his recitation and the difficulty he
encounters. Al-Qaadi and other scholars said: It does not mean that
the one who falters there in will have a greater reward than the one
who recites withskill; rather the one who recites skilfully will have
a better and greater reward, because he will be with the noble,
honourable scribes and he will have many rewards, and this status is
not mentioned for anyone else, so how can the one who did not make the
effort to learn the Book of Allah properly and memorise it, perfect
his knowledgeof it and recite it be like one who made that effort
until he became proficient in it. End quote.
To sum up:
As you do not recite well with tajweed and you sometimes make mistakes
in recitation, and this pen helps you to correct your mistakes and
recite well, whilst also learning the meaning, then your following
this program is something good and isIslamically prescribed; there is
no bid'ah in it, in sha Allah.
And Allah knows best.

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