Prophet Muhammad (saas) was a very modern, joyful person ofbroad
horizons who supported the arts and sciences.
Those who assert that they are Muslims but do not practice the real
tenets of Islam are the bigots who are in the dark about the true
spirit of Islam and who do not experience it!
Do not try to understand Islam by looking at the bigots . Learn Islam
fromthose true Muslims who live by Islam in compliance with the
spirit of the Qur'an.
A bigot is stark and sulky.
A Muslim is joyful, open and full of life!
A bigot hates women, children and animals.
A Muslim likes everything that is beautiful. He appreciatesa woman's
value, watches over the children and loves animals, plants and all
living beings!
A bigot does not understand the arts, anddislikes arts and aesthetics.
A Muslim likes the arts and has a very strong sense of aesthetics!
A bigot is against science.
A Muslim attaches great importance to science and contributes to
scientific progress!
A bigot can not speak graciously, he is aggressive.
A Muslim speaks the best of words, he is compassionate!
Both the life and spirit ofa bigot is dark.
A Muslim is full of life, he radiates light to his surroundings!
A bigot tends to fight. Heis full of hate and rage.
A Muslim wants peace, love and friendship to reign!
A bigot is hostile towards Christians and Jews.
A Muslim approaches Christians and Jews withcompassion.
He attaches importance to them and shows themrespect!
A bigot does not like music, and takes no pleasure from music.
A Muslim loves music as ablessing created by Allah!
A bigot is unkempt and filthy!
A Muslim is very pure and brilliant!
A bigot lives in nasty, dark places.
A Muslim loves the best quality and the most beautiful of everything!
A bigot devastates wherever he enters. He defiles and reduces the
quality of life overall.
A Muslim brings quality of life to wherever he enters. He takes
pleasurein beautifying the world!
A bigot does not know how to think; he acts in compliance with the
dogmas he has learned by heart.
A Muslim takes great pleasure from deep thinking. He acts by using his
wisdom and his conscience!
A bigot can not tolerate different thoughts.
A Muslim wants people of every school thought to express their opinion
as they wish!
A bigot finds the energy to live by constantly inventing new enemies.
A Muslim makes an effortto befriend anyone who seems to harbor the
most negative opinion.
A bigot does not show courtesy.
A Muslim is excellent in his manners and social conduct!
A bigot has an inferioritycomplex!
A Muslim has an extremely confident personality due to his trust in Allah!
And the most important of all;
A bigot can not appreciate Allah's might as is due. He does not know
the love of Allah, he does not abide by theQur'an and only follows his
A Muslim is in love with Allah. He lives for Allah, he is fully
attached to the Qur'an and he only seeks to earn Allah's good
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And Allah Knows the Best!
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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA
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