Friday, December 7, 2012

A historical lie: The Stone Age - I

Did you know that 700,000 years ago, people were sailing the oceans in
very well-constructed ships?
Or have you ever heard that the people described as "primitive
cavemen" possessed an artistic ability and understanding just as
refined as those of modern artists?
Did you know that the Neanderthals, who lived 80,000 years ago and
whom evolutionists portrayed as "ape-men,"made musical instruments,
took pleasure from clothing and accessories, and walked over painfully
hot sands with molded sandals?
In all probability you may never have heard any of these facts. On
thecontrary, you may have been handed the mistaken impression that
these people were half-ape and half-human, unable to stand fully
upright, lacking the ability to speak words and producing only strange
grunting noises. That is because this entire falsehood has been
imposed on people like yourself for the last 150 years.
The motive behind it is to keep alive materialist philosophy, which
denies the existence of aCreator. According to this view, which
distorts any fact that stands in itsway, the universe and matter are
eternal. In other words they had nobeginning, and thus have no
Creator. Then how did life come to be?The supposedly
scientificexplanation is the theoryof evolution.
Because since materialists claim that the universe has no Creator,
they must provide their own explanation for how the life and myriad
species on Earth came into being. The theory of evolution is the
scenario they employed for that purpose. According to this theory, all
the order and life in the universe came about spontaneously and by
chance. Certain inanimate substances in the primeval world combined by
accident togive rise to the first living cell. As a result of millions
of years of similar coincidences, organisms came into existence. And
finally came human beings, as the final stage of this evolutionary
The early history of mankind—which is alleged to have come into being
as the result of millions of accidental mutations, each more
impossible than the last—has been distorted to fit in with this
scenario. According to the evolutionists' account, which is totally
lacking in any proof, the history of mankind is as follows: In the
same waythat life forms progressed from a primitive organism up toman,
the most highly developed of all, so mankind's history must have
advanced from the most primitive community to the most advanced urban
society. But this assumption is completely devoid of any supporting
evidence. It also represents the history of mankind prepared in line
with the claims of materialist philosophy and the theory of evolution.
Evolutionist scientists—in order to account forthe supposed
evolutionary process that they claim extends from a single cell to
multi-celled organisms, and then from apes to man, —have rewritten the
history of mankind. To that end they have invented imaginary eras such
as "The Cave-Man Age" and "The Stone Age" to describe the lifestyle of
"primitive Man." Evolutionists, supporting the falsehood that human
beings and apes are descended from a common ancestor, have embarked on
a new search in order to prove their claims. They now interpret every
stone, or arrowhead or bowl unearthed during archaeological
excavations in that light.Yet the pictures and dioramas of half-ape,
half-man creatures sitting in a dark cave, dressed in furs, and
lacking the facility of speech are all fictitious. Primitive man never
existed, and there never was a Stone Age. They are nothing more than
deceptive scenarios produced by evolutionists with the help of one
section of the media.
These concepts are all deceptions because recent advances in
science—particularly in the fields of biology, paleontology,
microbiology and genetics—have totally demolished the claims
ofevolution. That the idea that living species evolved and transformed
into "later" versions of each other has been deemed invalid.
In the same way, human beings did not evolve from ape-like creatures.
Human beings have been human since the day they came into existence,
and have possessed a sophisticated culture from that day to this.
Therefore, "the evolution of history" never happened, either.
Civilizations Retreat as Well as Advance
Darwinism maintains that Man—and thus the culture he
possesses—advanced from rudimentary, primitive, tribal stages toward
civilization. However, the archaeological findings show that since the
very first day of human history, there have been periods with
societies that maintained very advanced cultures along with others
whose cultures have been morebackward. Indeed, most of the time, very
wealthycivilizations have existedat the same time as backward ones.
Throughout the course of history, most societiesof the same period had
very different levels of technology and civilization, with very great
sociological and cultural differences—just as is the case today. For
example, though the North American continent is very advanced today in
terms of medicine, science, architecture andtechnology, some
communities in South America are rather backward technologically, with
no links to the outside world. Diseases in many parts of the world are
identified using the most advanced imaging techniques and analysis,
and are treated in very modern hospitals. Yet in other parts of the
world,diseases are thought to develop under the influence of so-called
evil spirits, and attempts to heal the sick involve ceremonies to
banish such spirits. Such societies as the people of the Indus, the
Ancient Egyptians and the Sumerians, who all lived around 3,000 BC,
possessed cultures incomparably richer in all respects than that of
these present-day tribes,and even than that of societies more
advanced. This means that in all periods of history, societies with
highly advanced civilizations have been able to survive together with
more backward ones. A society that existed thousands of years ago may
actually have advanced much further than one in the 20th century. This
demonstrates that there has been no development within an evolutionary
process—inother words, from the primitive to the civilized.
Over the course of history, of course, major advances have been made
in all fields, with great strides and constant development inscience
and technology, thanks to the accumulation of culture and experience.
However, it is neither rational nor scientific to describe these
changes as an "evolutionary" process in the way that evolutionists and
materialists do. Just as there are no differences in physical
characteristics between a modern human and someone who lived thousands
of years ago, so there are no differences in regard to intelligence
and capabilities. The idea that our civilization is more advanced
because 21st century man's brain capacity and intelligenceare more
highly developed is a faulty perspective, resulting from evolutionist
indoctrination. The fact is people in very different regions today may
have different conceptions and cultures. But if a native Australian
may not possess the same knowledge as a scientist from the USA, that
doesn't mean his intelligence or brain haven't developed enough. Many
people born into such societies may even be ignorant ofthe existence
of electricity, but who are still highly intelligent.
Moreover, different needs have arisen during different centuries. Our
standards of fashion are not the same as the Ancient Egyptians', but
that doesn't mean that our culture is more advanced than theirs. While
skyscrapers are symbols of civilization in the 21st century, the
evidence of civilization in the Egyptian period was pyramids and
What matters is the perspective from which facts are interpreted.
Someone starting with the preconceived idea that the facts support a
so-called evolutionary development will evaluate all the information
he obtains in light of that prejudice.Thus he will try to support his
assertions with imaginary tales. Based on fragments of fossil bone, he
will conjecture a great many details, such as how people living in
that region spent their daily lives, their family structures and their
social relations, in a way adapted to that preconception. He'll
conclude, based on those fragments of bone, that the living people
they belonged towere only semi-upright and grunting, covered inhair
and using crude stone tools—not because that is what scientific
evidence suggests, but because his ideology requires it. Actually, the
facts obtained do not imply such a scenario at all. This illusory
picture comes about through interpretations by a Darwinist mentality.
Many evolutionists seek to prove their claims by producing scenarios,
even in the absence of any supporting evidence. Yet every new finding,
when interpreted in an biased manner, very clearly reveals to them
certain facts, one of which is this: Man has been Man since the day he
came into existence. Such attributes as intelligenceand artistic
ability have been the same in all periods of history. Peoples who
lived in the past were not primitive, half-human; half-animal
creatures, as evolutionists would haveus believe. They were thinking,
speaking human beings, just like us, who produced worksof art and
developed cultural and ethical structures.

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