Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Christian belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of Allah (Allah is beyond this), is a grave error - 1

The Christianity that was born among the Jews living in the Holy Land
developed as devout Jews who lived according to thelaw of the Prophet
Moses (pbuh) came to follow theProphet Jesus (pbuh). One
characteristic of these Jews who followed the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) was
that they believed in Allah as the one and only.
However, this monotheistic belief changed following the Prophet Jesus'
(pbuh) ascension into heaven andas Christianity spread into the pagan
world, and the monotheistic belief that represented the basis of the
law of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) underwent amajor alteration. Because
of the belief in the trinity that was subsequently made part of
Christianity, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) began to be regarded as divine
(surely Allah is beyond that). The Christians in question began
claiming that Almighty Allah appeared in the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as a
human body, and this belief spread widely.
Belief in the trinity is used in the sense of a belief in atripartite
Allah they maintain consists of "the Father, Son and Holy Ghost"
(surely Allah is beyond that). (You can find further detail on the
subject from here .) Led and supported by Constantine, the Roman
emperor of the time, various people who wanted to alter Christian
belief took passages from the Torah and the Gospels that mentioned
"the son of God" and began using these as supposed evidence. The fact
is, however, that the references to "the son of God" in the Torah and
the Gospels are an excellent expression of the fact that all believers
are beloved servants of Allah. This fact is made clear in the
Gospelaccording to Matthew in the words,"Blessed are thepeacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew, 5:9). This reference to
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) has the same meaning. The word "son" in the
Gospels means a beloved servant of Allah, and not that the person is
in fact the son of Allah (surely He is beyond that). This false and
exceedingly dangerous belief that was made part of Christianity
subsequently and was intended to destroy monotheistic belief gradually
became the most important article of faith and precondition of
Christianity, and those who rejected it were regarded as people who
had abandoned the faith. Efforts were made, under the leadership of
priests who espoused the trinity, to impose this mistaken belief on
society by the use of force and pressure, and it was made part of
Christianity by force. Anyone opposing belief in the trinity faced
severe sanctions, and might be exiled or even killed. (You can read
the historical details of how belief in thetrinity was imposed on
Christianity from here .)
The belief in the trinity that was subsequently included in
Christianity, or the belief of the three in one as some Christians
putit, appears nowhere in the Torah or the Gospels. There are no
references to the trinity on the Gospels. Belief in the trinity, which
grew as a superstition in this climate of duress and oppression, and
the resulting description of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) as the son of
God, is a grave danger and serious error that some Christians are
living alongside even today. In the Qur'an, Almighty Allah describes
this claim as a monstrous thing and sets out the scale of the danger
as follows:
They say, 'The All-Merciful has a son.'
They have devised a monstrous thing.
The heavens are all but rent apart and the earth split open and the
mountains brought crashing down,
at their ascription of a son to the All-Merciful!
It is not fitting for the All-Merciful to have a son.
There is no one in the heavens and earth who will not come to the
All-Merciful as a slave. (Surah Maryam 88-93)
Genuine Christians must see this terrible danger. They must realize
that the belief in the trinity that was added to the Gospels hundreds
of years later and despotically imposed despite all resistance in a
terrible climate of corruption is in fact in total conflict with the
Gospels. You can find other statements on the subject in our
subsequent articles.
It is important for genuine Christians to understand the true purpose
behind the articles about Christianity on this site
Christian belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of Allah
(Allah is beyond this) is a grave error – (2)


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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