Wednesday, December 5, 2012

1] The Christian belief that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is the son of Allah (Allah is beyond this) is a grave error - 2

1] The term "son" in Christianity is used in the sense of being a
servant ofAllah, just as it is in the Torah and the Qur'an. Of course
the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a beloved servant of Allah, but he is
still a human being, who becomes hungry and eats, drinks water, rests
when tired, who sleeps and whohas needs, like all created entities. It
is a fact that this is set out in a great many passages in the
Gospels. (You can read about the Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) human
characteristics in the Gospel and how he is a Messenger who transmits
the revelation of Allah from here .) In the same way, Allah has
revealed in the Qur'an that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is a human being,
tested and with needs, like everyone else:
The Messiah, the son of Mary, was only a Messenger, before whom other
Messengerscame and went. His mother was a woman of truth. Both of them
ate food. See how We make the signs clear to them! Then see how they
are perverted! (Surat al-Ma'ida, 75)
Devout Christians must behave honestly on this subject and realize
that to ascribe divinity to a human being is a violationof the law of
Allah, the Christianity brought by theProphet Jesus (pbuh) and of the
pronouncements in the Gospels and the Torah,as well as of reason and
logic. They must admit thepossibility that such a belief, added on to
the true and genuine Gospels hundreds of years later, may represent a
serious danger and reflect deeply upon it. What can be the possible
meaning or use intrying to ascribe the sublime attributes of Allahto a
human being and to regard a human being as divine? Almighty Allah
certainly has no need of that (surely Allah is beyond that). Such an
Above and beyond this, Christians themselves must reject the idea of
Almighty Allah appearing on earth in the form of a human being. This
is disrespect for the glory of Almighty Allah. Allah's might,
greatness, glory, might and infinite power are a blessing for
Christians. Is it better to believe in an all-powerful Allah or to
take as one's god a human being who sleeps, eats and has needs? All
Christians will of course at once see the answer to this. Allah has no
need to appear on Earth as a mortal and needy entity in order to
reveal His sublime Presence to human beings.(Surely Allah is beyond
that.) Our Christian brothers must consider the Gospels rationally and
evaluate all these things ina manner compatible withthe glory of
The fact that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) has human characteristics is
not, of course, a state of affairs that will in any way reduce his
value as a prophet. Jesus (pbuh) is a greatly valued and most holy
prophet of our Almighty Lord. Like all other prophets, he occupies the
loftiest and holiest position in Allah's Sight. He is Allah's friend,
agreat prophet.
The important thing is to believe in Allah – our One and only Creator.
Allah wants people to believe inand serve Him, without engaging in
idolatry. There is no need for Allah to appear on Earth in human form
for people to be able to serve Him. If our Christian brothers wish to
approach this subject from a genuinely honest perspective they should
ask themselves thisquestion: What would Allah lose from any of His
attributes by not manifesting His Presence in the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh)? (Surely Allah is beyond that) Allah not manifesting His
Presence in a human being would take nothing away from His attributes,
sublimity and beauty. Indeed, this will increase His beauty and make
His sublime qualities better and more properly appreciated. Howcould
it be possible to appreciate the sublime qualities of Allah by
imagining that He manifested His Presence ina mortal, weak and needy
human being who sleeps and eats? Of course, it could not.
Some Christians maintain that Allah's manifesting Himself as God in a
humanbeing (may He forbid) is a means whereby people can reach, draw
closer to and pray to Him. But this stems from a failure to properly
appreciate Allah'sgreatness and might. Almighty Allah has no needs for
instruments for the human beings He creates to reach Him. ALLAH IS
EVERYWHERE , "We are nearer to him than his JUGULAR VEIN (Surah Qaf,
16). Allah also makes this clear in the Gospel:
Do not be like them, for your God knows what you need before you ask
Him . (Matthew 6:8)
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's Sight.Everything is
uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom wemust give
account. (Hebrews 4:13)

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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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