Saturday, December 15, 2012

Story part 8 - Moons Peak [FINISHED]- Funeral Memorial Service (chapter 8)

SATCHEL WAS GONE as soon as I woke up.
I surveyed my room thinking--hoping--he'd fallen asleep on the floor
somewhere, and then frowned. He was gone, and I found myself
disappointed at that fact.
I guess the animal attack from last night had shaken me up a bit, and
the thought of sleeping alone had scared me intoneeding someone.
Knowing Satchel was here looking over me, gave me some sort of
comfort. Now realizing he'd left made me feel unguarded again.
I could have died last night My thoughts stated blatantly as I gazed
up at the ceiling.
My thoughts consumed me and I ignored the light rapping on the door.
It was Grams.
I eyed her primed black dress suit she wore, accentuating her long
wiry frame, as her grey eyes hid behind a black veil and an oversized
Elegance and beauty defined my grandmother. The same with my mother
and I envied the thought of wanting to look like either, but I failed
to see any resemblance that I had that could compare to my mothers or
grandmothers elegance.
I shared my fathers light honey brown eyes, but my mother's mousy
brunette hair. Well, not anymore, since I'd dyed itblonde, and my wiry
frame looked more lanky than elegant. I smiled up at Grams.
"Morning Grams." I sat up, brushing out my knots in my hair with my fingers.
She raised her eyebrows.
"Willow my dear, you should be getting ready. The service will be
starting in an hour. I have a dress for you." I grunted.
I almost forgot about that. It was the day of myfathers' and
step-mothers' funeral. It wasn't so much the funeral that bothered me,
it was more the timing. And if memory served me right? Then church
service will commence at 10am sharp, followed by a curt burial,
finished off with ameal. I rolled my eyes away from her.
Though it was technicallymy father that had died, he was no more of a
stranger than my step mother was to me. I'd grown up not knowing
either. I sighed.
"I don't feel like going. Can't I just watch from my window?" I could
see the cemetery from my window, but in walking distance, it was a
fleet. She shook her head.
"An hour, be ready." She stated with a warning look in her eye. I sighed.
This day is going to be hell. I silently thought. I forced a smile.
"Give me a few secs to get ready?" She nodded, but not before placing
the little black dress on the foot of my bed. She paused.
"And please stay away from Satchel. He's unstable." I frowned. I
didn't know what to make of that, but before Icould protest. She gave
me a kiss on my foreheadand left.
After showering, and dressing, I made my way down the stairs to where
the black carriage awaited outside.
It was a bumpy ride through the estate, passing never-ending forestry,
a very windy dirt road, and to the right, was a logwood house that was
situated on the edge of the forest;The Hein's manor.
Technically, it was next door to our estate, the only house in Denvers
Drove and in walking distance, it was three quarters of a mile away.
Iloved going there. In fact, most of my childhood memories happened at
his house.
A few meters up the road; sat a lone cemetery occupying three graves.
My mothers and Satchel's real father, Noah Heins and a distant uncle
of mine.
Right next to them was two square feet holes that awaited the caskets
to fill them.
There was a huge turn out, about twenty at the most, which is saying
something because this part of Colorado only housed a few estates.
Land owned residence only, and the vast stretch of land my father
owned made up the most of it.
The service was brief, and someone handed a box of tissues around
thegroup during the hymns that were sung. I frowned. I suppose I
should have felt guilty fornot needing it, but I took it anyway.
After all, I had zero contact with either of them; they could've been
strangers for all I knew ofthem.
I felt a light tug on my dress that snapped me out of my reverie.
I looked down to investigate to see Derryn;Satchels little sister,
smiling up at me.
"Why did Satchel stay thenight at your house if you're not boyfriend
and girlfriend?"
My eyebrows raised and Iwas actually stumped to say a word. More so at
the fact that a seven year old was able to stun me speechless. I
"Er...he..." I closed my mouth and opened it.
I really didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure how I would explain
the situation to a seven year old girl like Derryn, whom spoke far
beyond her years. I pursed my lips.
"I..." She giggled.
"Don't worry. He'll look after you like he does with me. He's good
like that." I smiled.
"He is good like that isn't he?" She nodded and slipped her hand in
mine and focused her attention back toward the ceremony.
The minister concluded with a prayer, as the caskets lowered in to the
ground. I wanted to cry, but not for the reason of losing a father, it
was more for the fact that I never got the privilege ofknowing my
father as much as I would have liked.
And I got the impression that didn't bother him too much for the lack
of contact on his part.
I spotted Satchel standing aloof, away from the crowd. His eyes a mask
of sympathy and control. My Grams words came back to me.
Please stay away from Satchel, he's unstable.
Despite my Grams words, I realized just how close he was to my father,
when I witnessed his eyes water as the caskets lowered in the ground.
Right then I knew Henry Garrison was his father just as much as he was mine.
Even more so apparently since he'd spent more time around him.
Our eyes met briefly and in that split of a second, he masked his face
and walked away.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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