Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fifth Masoom - An introduction to fifth infallible Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS)

Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S.) was born on the 3rd of Shaban 4th Hijrah in
Medinah Munawarra. His father was Ali (A.S.) and mother was Fatimah
(S.A.). When the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) heard the news of Imam Hussain's
birth he (P.B.U.H.) became very happy and came to the house of Fatimah
(S.A.). Asma, the maidservant of Hazrat Zahra covered the child in a
white cloth andbrought him to the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). The Prophet
(P.B.U.H.), pickedthe child up in his lap and recited the Azaan in his
right ear and Aqamat in the left one. As if, apparently, he (P.B.U.H.)
made the ears of his son familiar and acquainted with the name of God
forthe first time. On the seventh day of the birth, an angel came from
the God and he said, "Just as Haroon was the brother, sympathizer, and
helper in each and every difficulty of Moosa (A.S.) similarly Ali
(A.S.) is your sympathizer helper and brother in each and every matter
of yours. Therefore, keep the name of this child upon the name of
Haroon's son"Shabeer," which translated into Arabic becomes 'Hussain'.
Thus the name of the second child of Fatimah (S.A.) was also selected
by God.
On the 7th day of the birth Hazrat Fatimah (S.A.) got a sheep
slaughtered as the Aqeeqa and distributed it's meat among the needy
and poor.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) quite often hugged Hussain (A.S.) taking him
into his lap and used to weep bitterly, saying, "A very big tragedy
will be met by my son Hussain". The brutals and bloody men of Bani
Omyaide willslay my dear son. I will not interces and mediate for them
on the dooms day.
The Love of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) loved Imam Hussain (A.S.)very much. His
companion Salman Farsi describes, "I saw that the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)
had picked up Imam Hussain (A.S.) upon his knee and was kissing him
saying,"Oh son, you are the Imam son of Imams and father of nine
Imams, who would be from your generation and the last one of them is
Mehdi."One can estimate and guess the amount of love the Prophet had
with Imam Hussain (A.S.) from this sentence of his"Hussain is from me
and Iam from Hussain." The one who is the friend of Hassan and Hussain
is my friend and the one who is their enemy, is my enemy.
Hussain (A.S.) the Best Helper of his Father and Brother
Imam Hussain (A.S.) spentsix years of his life with his grandfather
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and thirty years along with his honorable
father Ali (A.S.). He shared each andevery problem and grief of his
father. He always defended his father. Oncehe went to the mosque and
saw Hazrat Omer delivering a speech on the tribune of his grandfather.
He immediately said, "get down from the tribune ofmy grandfather and
father. What have you got to do over there?"
During the reign of his father, Imam Hussain (A.S.) playing upon his
life used to be busy defending Islam and fighting against the tyrants
and brutal.
He fought against the enemies by the side of his father like his
brotherImam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) in the battles of Jamal, safeen, and
He, after the martyrdom of his father, legally took the oath of
allegiance forhis brother and accepted him his leader and Imam.And
whenever someone asked him a question he used to send him towards Imam
Hassan (A.S.). And wherever he deemed suitable he himself would give
the answer. Briefly speaking, he considered the defense of his brother
something necessary for himself.
The Rule of Muawiyah
When Imam Hassan Mujtaba (A.S.) was martyred due to the conspiracies
of Muawiyah, Imam Hussain (A.S.) got the post of Imamate and caliphate
atthe age of forty-six.
Imam Hussain (A.S.) knewthat all the miseries and sorrows of Muslims
were due to Muawiyah who wanted to uproot Islam by his frauds,
cunningness and craftiness. Therefore, Imam (AS.) did not think it was
suitable to fight him openly, as Muawiyahwas apparently Muslim and
showed himself to be the supporter of Islam and Muslims. Therefore,
Imam Hussain (A.S.) knewthat if I declare a war upon him I would meet
the same fate as my brother did. So he startedthe movement of
awakening the people from the dream and slumbers of ignorance, and
unawareness. So that they may turn towards him slowly and gradually,
by getting aware and informed. Ultimately. Imam (A.S.) may make them
work forthe welfare of Islam. Along with the training of the Momins
(faithful), with which Imam was busy, he occasionally opposed
Muawiyah. And always gave teeth breaking and strong answer to his
scurrilous language particularly when he started making people take
the oath andallegiance of faithfulness for his ignorant, silly,
impure, and bad character, degenerate, and undutiful son Yazeed. The
Imam (A.S.) too started openly and publicly opposing him and wrote
many such letters to Muawiyah by which he disgraced him very much. One
of his letters reads:
i) Oh Muawiyah! You are the claimant of the caliphate and to be the
successor of my grandfather? Did you notslay Hajar bin Addi and his
companions in the land of Azra. You are a criminal, a killer. Then how
do you claim to be the leader and caliph of my Ummah?
ii) Oh Muawiyah! Did you not declare Ziad publicly your brother and
the illegitimate son of Abu Sufian about whose father the Muslims are
unaware? (That who is his father and who is not?)
As such, by declaring him to be your brother, you have yourself
admitted the dirtiness and uncleanness of your family. Then how can
the caliphate be your right?
iii) Oh Muawiyah! The most shameful act of yours is that you have made
such a silly, stupid unable and unworthy person a ruler of the Muslims
whose characterless ness, excesses and aggressions are not hidden and
concealed from anyone. As such, you want to destroy the religion of
God and make the Muslimummah a toy by forcibly making them take the
oath of allegiance for him (Yazeed).
Hussain (A.S.) and Yazeed
Although Imam Hussain (A.S.) did not leave any stone unturned in
disgracing and belittling Muawiyah even then he did not fight or
clashed with him.
Nonetheless, after the death of Muawiyah his incapable son Yazeed
being a proud and thickheaded person posed himself as the leader of
the Muslims. And started making the Islamic personalities takes the
oath of allegiance for the sake ofestablishing and strengthening his
He wrote to the governors of the cities and as such wrote a letter to
Waleed who wasgovernor of Medinah that "Immediately take the oath of
allegiance from Hussain (A.S.) And if he refuses to do that then cut
down his head and send it to me".
Muawiyah had several times insistedly warned him that you might dash
against anybody except Hussain (A.S.), in which case you would get
destroyed. The ruler of Medinah summoned Imam Hussain (A.S.) and
informed him about the letter of Yazeed. He said"I am ready for the
martyrdom because only Yazeed's becoming the caliph of Muslims is the
death and disintegration of Islam".
When Imam (A.S.) observed the worsened condition and atmosphere of
Medinah he along with his companions migrated to Makka under the dark
cover of the night. His mere act of migration from Medinah was a great
objection upon the people's taking oath of allegiance for Yazeed.
Imam's (A.S.) migration not only created a hue and cry in Medinah, but
italso set up an atmosphere of discussionand objections against Yazeed
in Makka. And thehue and cry raised to the climax when Imam (A.S.)
addressing a gathering of the pilgrims raised his voice against the
obnoxious, dirty, and impure government of Yazeed.
This stand and pledge of Imam Hussain (A.S.) madethe people of the
whole area completely aware and understand that the caliphate of
Yazeed is notcorrect and taking oath of allegiance for him is
dishonesty to Islam and Muslims.
The Invitation of Kufis
When the news of the migration and objection of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
upon the Yazeed's regime reached Kufa. All of them (Kufis) got
themselves prepared to invite him to Kufa and elect him for the
caliphate and the leadership of Islam. They sent messengers along with
letters, rolls and scrolls, and formally invited Imam Hussain (A.S.)
to visit Kufa.
But, because of the fact that Imam (A.S.) knew about the
unfaithfulness of the Kufis and he himself had witnessed their
untruthfulness towards his father and brother so he sent his cousin
'Muslim bin Aqeel' to Kufa so that he might observe the whole affair
closely and invite Imam (A.S.) if he deemed fit and suitable. Muslim
bin Aqeel moved towards Kufa as desired and ordered by Imam (A.S.) and
when he reached there he met a warm, noisy, grand welcome. Thousands
of people took oath of allegiance and offered prayers behind him.
Muslim bin Aqeel wrote a letter to Imam (A.S.) asking him to
immediately move. Imam stayed back at makka uptill the 8th of Zil Hijj
and spoke to the people and instigated and provoked them against
Yazeed. Then he moved towards Iraq.
Termination of the Imam's Representative's Affair
When Yazeed got informed about the movement of Muslim bin Aqeel and
oath of allegiance being taken by the Kufis, he at once sent
Ibn-e-Ziad, who was the most dirty of his companions, to Kufa withfull
fledge powers.
Ibn-e-Ziad, who completely knew about the spirit and the character of
the people of Kufa, took advantage and made the most of theweakness
and debility and feebleness of their faiths and double-faced ness
hypocrisy and cowardice. And by terrifying and harassing scattered and
dispersed them from around Muslim bin Aqeel. And turned the events to
suchan extent that even thosewho had written invitation letters to
Imam(A.S.) put on the war dress and got ready to fight the
representative of the Imam (A.S.).
"Muslim bin Aqeel" was forced to fight the agentsof Ibn-e-Ziad all
alone. After showing surprising and astonishing bravery he was
arrested and martyred. From the very night Imam Hussain (A.S.) had
departed from Madinah he had been giving the news of martyrdom and
said,"Whosoever is ready to lay his life on our way and make haste to
meet God may join us."
He again spoke to his friends and companions about Jehad, holy war,
and martyrdom at Makka.To the extent that even when the poet Farzdak
met him on the way and gave him the news of"Muslim bin Aqeel's" being
martyred. He said,"Muslim bin Aqeel" has met the blessings of God and
ended his mission and has laid the burden of the mission upon our
shoulders. We hope to beable to carry this burden and weight up to its
Hussain's (A.S.) Mission
Hussain (A.S.) described his aim about this mission was to disgrace
Yazid's regime and to uphold and put into practice (Amer bil Maroofand
Nahi anil munkir), to order the correct and right and to stop and
refrain from the evils andto stand up against the brutality and
cruelty. Thiswas the mission God had entrusted him. His grandfather
the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and his father Ali (A.S.) had several times
described their son's is being martyred.
Imam Hussain (A.S.) himself, by virtue of the knowledge of Imamate,
knew that this journey would end with his martyrdom. But Hussain
(A.S.) was not the one to be afraid of martyrdom and death, and
overlook the command of God. He was the Imam who considered calamity
as magnanimity and nobility and martyrdom as bliss and blessedness.
Ultimately, he moved toward "Karbala" and he himself and his
companions were all martyred. His family members were taken prisoners.
But they gave the message of those martyred to the people inthe
streets, and bazars of the cities and thus put the agents and paid
servants of the Bani Omayaid to disgrace and shame.
The face of Hussain and his Companions on the Ashoora Day
Hussain's (A.S.) face glittered and shone like light He gave hope and
courage to his companions. The same Imam (A.S.) whose grandfather the
Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said, "Hussain (A.S.) is the lamp of guidance and
the escape boat of the ummah". Hussain (A.S.) spoke loudly, "Oh people
of the world! You must know that I have not taken steps for the battle
and did not draw my sword.
An unclean, dirty character man from the criminal family of Omayde
named "Yazeed" made me choose one of the two either I draw my sword
and defend my honor and religion or surrender to shame and humility.
But do know, beware! That surrendering with shameand humility is far
away from our family. I am obliged to choose the first way.
Then he stood by the soldiers of Yazeed forces and said, "It is not
expedient and wise both for your world and religion (the justice day)
to kill me and fight against me. So, if you have taken the decision to
fight me. It is better to compose and form a committee and take views
from everyone. Then see who says fight against the son of the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) who is the one gone astray and ill fated, miserable that
accompanies and sides with you for killing me?
The governor of Iraq, sonof Marjana, is an unclean and power seeking
person. He wants to make you helpless. I know you will repent after my
being martyred and will rebuke each other. Therefore, before taking
steps for the battle, think and ponder about the result of your
action. Be aware, God is my supporter and I am not harassed and
bewildered by any coming event. I have heard from my grandfather that
"World is the paradise of the infidel and the prison for the
Death is the beginning ofour joy but it is the start of your misery.
There is only one bridge betweenthis world and the other world and
that is death.
If you initiate and take steps towards battle, we would also stand up
along with our friends and worthy sons for defense. If we are
victorious it will not be anything new for us and if we are killed
world knows that we are not defeated.
"Oh helpless people! The informed and knowledgefull people try and
endeavor to provide themselves with a lamp, so that they do not loose
their way, and I am the lamp of this ummah. But you want to put your
lamp off. Do you know against whom do you fight? You are not fighting
against me but you fight against God! Against your Prophet
After the speech of Imam Hussain (A.S.) an enthusiasm, humming, and
murmuring movements took place in the army of the enemy. The war
provokers saw that if they would not start the battle, Hussain (A.S.)
will shatter the army by his speech and will finish all their
planning. Therefore, the order for the battle to be started was
Hussain (A.S.) called out,"Oh my worthy and greatfriends rise up, this
is the time for the combat. His friends like Habib and Zuhair were
happy that Imam issued the order. Each one of them requested the other
to beallowed to go for battle first, hence take the lead.
The family members of Imam (A.S.) such as the Qamer-e-Bani Hashim
(Abbas [A.S.]), Ali Akbar, Qasim and all the rest gotprepared for the
battle. They attacked the flanks of the enemy like tigers. Whosoever
came their way would be killed. Imam Hussain (A.S.) himself showed
such a bravery, courage and manhood that as Ibn Sheher Ashob wrote; he
slew two thousand men of the enemy.
Whenever and whicheverof the friends and relatives was martyred,
Hussain (A.S.) would become stronger, and more resolved and
determined. One of the soldiers of the enemy said about the
astonishments and wonders of Ashoora, "on the day of Ashoora instead
of becoming broken and sorrowful whenever Hussain (A.S.) lost a person
by martyrdom his face would glow and shine more than before and he
became more determined and strongerin the battle and combat.
The thirsty and hungry, but selfless and dedicated, holy warriors
showed such bravery andferocious fight that son of Saad the Commander
of the enemy shouted, "Ifyou want to fight like this, all of you will
be killed by the swords of Hussain (A.S.) and his companions".
Therefore, he ordered all the arrow men, who were nearly four thousand
in number, to throw arrowssimultaneously and harmoniously. The battle
got flared up and reached a climax whosoever out of the Imam's
companions would fall down he would utter these words,"Oh God do
accept our sacrifice."
"The blessings of God be upon thou souls, oh movers and travelers of
the way of God and Hussain (A.S.). Oh the venture some defender of the
Quran's path. Hussain (A.S.), wherever blood flew out of his body, he
would raise his hands towards the sky and say, Oh God, who is the
source and stock of my hope and aspiration, Idepend upon you. My hopes
are focused upon you. Oh God! Accept thesesacrifices from us."
Finally, as per the tradition of Shiekh Mufid,Hussain (A.S.) and his
great honorable companions were martyred on Saturday the10th of
Moharram, of 61 Hijrah, and laid to rest side by side, to each other.
They gave the lesson of honor, dignity, manhood and bravery to the
future generations.
Why Hussain (A.S.) is not forgotten?
The one whose martyrdom, grief, pain, sorrows and children's captivity
were all only forGod will never fade out of the memories. Instead,by
the pace of time and age his love, fascination, and charm will grow in
the hearts of people. And each year the love and fascination of the
people with respect to that"pure and chaste revolutionary" increases.
Hussain (A.S.) spent 57 years of his prolific life for the sake of
God's love and God's search. Many times he traveled, to the God's
house for pilgrimage, on foot.
He was very fond of prayers confessions and supplication talking
intimately. So far so, that on the last night of his life, he asked
for respite only that he might sit all alone and make confessions and
supplications, to his God.
One of his companions said about Arafat prayers and supplications of
Imam Hussain (A.S.), On the 10th day of the month of Zil Hijj Imam
Hussain stood in the burning and scorching desert of Arafat facing
Holy Kaabah and prayed with painful and aching heart, "Oh God! I turn
my face towards you (focus my attention) and give evidence about your
being God. O God! You created me and continuously remained along with
me and provided me with sustenance and livelihood with several kinds
of blessings and bounties. Praise is for theGod; nothing can change
whose desire and stop His munificence and generosity."
"Oh God adjudge and fix in my soul the independence and freedom from
desires and faith and confidence in my heart, and sincerityin my
practice and light in my vision and awareness in my religion."
Hussain (A.S.) in the Hearts of Friends
The respect and regard which people had and still have in their hearts
for Hussain (A.S.) is due tothis that he lived with thepeople and did
not consider himself aloof and segregated from them. As such, one day,
he was passing through away, a group of poor, oppressed and afflicted
people was sitting with afood cloth, spread with a certain quantity of
dry bread upon it before them and they were eating it. They invited
him to sit along with them and eat that food with them. Imam (A.S.)
accepted their invitation and sat down besides thefood cloth and took
the bread with them. Saying,"God does not like the proud ones."
Imam Hussain (A.S.) has hundreds of such examples and specimens of
character, which keepshis memory and martyrdom alive in the memories
of the people. With every passing year, people strengthen and deepen
their relations with Hussain (A.S.).
Otherwise Hussain (A.S.) did neither possess magnificent palaces nor
had soldiers or many types of servants. He never closed and blockedthe
ways and roads to stop the movement of people like the tyrants and
imperialists, and Shrine of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was never vacated
for him.
One of his friends said about him "Hussain (A.S.) had the signs of
scars of callosity and hard flesh on his back" When his son Imam Zain
ul Abidin was questioned about it he said, "These are the callosities
and signs of hardened flesh which is due to my father's carrying sacks
of food at night time, to the houses of widows and orphan children and
poor families."
One of the scholars says about Hussain (A.S.), "In the history of
humanity we come across men whowere prominent and distinguished in one
human quality, a few in bravery, a group in piety and another one in
generosity, but Hussain (A.S.) was not distinguished and eminent in
one quality and few qualities insteadhe was distinguished in all the
qualities and ethics and possessed all the human perfections and
accomplishments included in his personality.
Yes, such is the person who is the heir of Mohammad's (P.B.U.H.)
Prophetic mission. Who isthe heir of Ali's (A.S.) justice and bravery?
Whois the heir of his mother Fatima's (S.A.) modesty and chastity?
He was the reflection of all the merits, accomplishments. Self
sacrifices, piety and God'slove.
What day is the Ashoora?
Ashoora was a formal Arab Eid day in the days and era of ignorance.
People used to keep fast and make merry, and hold ceremonies of joy
inthe same manner as Nauroze was considered to be the Eid day in Iran.
In the Arab history, Ashoora day (10th of Moharram) was the historical
and customary Eid, when the various tribes of Arab put on newclothes
and decorate the cities. Still, a group of Arabs, who is known as the
"Yazeedi" group celebrates this day as a joyous festival.
When the incident and anguish of Karbala took place in the year 61
Hijrah, the mode and lineof tendencies, and views of Arab and the
Muslims was changed. Moharram, which was taken to be asone of the
(Haram) prohibited months. War and killing was prohibited in it
because the martyrdom day of thebest of the sons of Adam i.e. Hussain
Ibn-e-Ali (A.S.)and for the Shias it became a day of sorrow and grief,
the day of honoring and celebrating the memoriesof the martyrs.
In the very first year of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (A.S.) his
friends nearly thousands in number gathered aroundhis grave and
recited alleges. From the ushering of the era of Bani Ommayide and
Yazeed unto this day, hundreds of thousands ofthe friends of Ahl
al-bayth (A.S.) celebrate the mourning meetings and caravans move
towards Karbala.
Those whose cities are away and at long distance from Karbala shape
their cities as Karbala and hold mourning gatherings.
The Fatimydes of the Egypt announced the Ashoora as the day of
mourning of Imam Hussain (A.S.). As such, men and women gathered
around the grave of Ome Kulsum (S.A.) and mourned and recited the
alleges. All along the Fatimyde Era inEgypt Ashoora remained the
official and formal day of mourning and grief.
Moez ud duala Delmi ordered that Ashoora be celebrated officially in
Iran and entire population and government officials must refrain from
work and celebrate the mourning rituals.
This is the very reason why the mourning ritualsin Iran, Egypt, Iraq
and India have brought about a spiritual movement and ideological
change among the Muslim masses so that today's movement of Muslims is
the sequence of the same. With every passing year, it is becoming
morefruit full. Hoping that a day will come when people will mend
their perverse nesses and misbehaviors and make up their deficiencies
and faults and enhance their strength and values.
One of the scholars says about it "Mosques are therelics and vestiges
of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) but themonasteries of mourningand Hussainias
(centers of mourning) are the relics of the Ahl al-bayth (A.S.).
The Shias prattle and tell their secrets to God in themosques and in
the mourning centers they prattle to the lovers of God and those who
were martyred for Him and on His way.
All along the passage of history no power could stop the movement of
the Caravan of Hussain (A.S.) and history has shown that during the
entire length of thirteen centuries this enthusiastic movement could
not be hushed up and cooled down. For thesame reason, because
themartyrdom of Hussain (A.S.) and his friends tookplace on such a day
then Joyous ceremonies and decorative measures, joyous and happy
celebrations, and lightings and keeping of fast became prohibited and
haram on that day.
Ibn-e-Kaseer writes,"Ashoora was announcedas the public and national
mourning day inBaghdad in the approximates of 400 Hijrah. People used
to keep cold water and colddrinks on the highways and through fares
for thethirsty ones to drink and to commemorate the thirst of Hussain
(A.S.) and people of Iraq used to become mournful on the Ashoora day
just like the death day of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
Who was the Winner of the Karbala Movement?
Although a group of simple people think that Yazeed won the Ashoora
battle and Hussain (A.S.) was defeated. But by studying the history
deeply and thoroughly they would appreciate that the situation was
reverse and opposite of it. For, winning and succeeding does not mean
that a person must remain unharmed and intact and the enemy be killed.
But it means success in achieving one's objects and goals and
aspirations and ideology although one is killed. Defeat does not mean
being killed and loosing life in the battlefield. But it means the
death and annihilation of objective,aspiration and belief.


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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