Monday, December 24, 2012

Dought & clear - , She became Muslim in secret and feared that her family might harm her, so she broke the fast one day in Ramadan; does she have to make it up?

I embraced Islam recently without my parents' knowledge. If they knew
they would be very angry and wouldcut off my study allowance for
university.Hence I tried to keep thematter secret. But on thethird day
of Ramadan, I had no choice but to go to a meeting at the University,
and after I arrived I found out that they had prepared dinner that
happened tobe one and a half hours before Maghrib. The problem was not
my refusing to eat with them; rather the problem was that my parents
were also present at this meeting without me having any prior
knowledge of that.I thought about the matter very carefully andI was
afraid that they would find out about mebeing Muslim, especially since
they had noticed my recent interest in Islam and my refusal to eat
with them on the three previous days. If they noticed that I would not
eat with themon this night, then they would undoubtedly find out that
I had embraced Islam, and if that happened, the consequences would be
dire. Hence I decided to break the fast on that day. I broke the fast
and I asked Allah to forgive Me and pardon me.
My question is: do I have to make up this day or offer expiation?.
Praise be to Allaah.
We ask Allah, may He be exalted, to reward you immensely and to bestow
His blessings, both apparent and hidden, abundantly upon you and to
grant you beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds. We congratulate
you for the blessing of Islam that Allah has bestowed uponyou and for
your love forIslam and for following its teachings in the manner
prescribed by Allah.
So long as you are afraidof severe consequences for showing your Islam
openly, you are not obliged to show it openly in front of your
parents. Allah will accepta person's Islam even if he does not show it
openly when he is not able to do so. So long as a person has entered
Islam by uttering the twin declaration of faith (Shahaadatayn), he has
to adhere to its teachings as much as he is able to after that,
without causing any trouble for himself that may prevent him from
continuing to follow thisreligion. Allah tells us that the believer
from the family of Pharaoh concealed his faith from Pharaoh and his
people, as Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the
meaning): "And a believing man of Fira'un's (Pharaoh's) family, who
hid his faith said…" [Ghaafir 40:28]. Some of the Sahaabah (Prophet's
Companions) became Muslim in the early days, when the Muslims were in
a weak position in Makkah, and the Prophet (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) encouraged them to conceal their Islam for fear of
trouble. One of these people was the great Sahaabi Abu Dharr
al-Ghifaari (may Allah be pleased with him). The Prophet (blessings
and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "O Abu Dharr, conceal this
matter and go back to your own land, then when you hear that we have
begun to prevail, come (and join us)."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,3328
As you broke the fast on that day because of yourparents' presence, as
you mention, and your fear of dire consequences if you did not break
the fast, then you are excused for breaking the fast. But you have to
make up that day whenever you are able to do so and areconfident that
no harm will befall you as a result. And you do not have to offer
expiation for that day.
We ask Allah to enable you to do that which pleases Him. - And
Allah Knows the best: -

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