Monday, December 24, 2012

Allah keeps the entire universe and the systems in it under hissimultaneous control

Almighty Allah created the universe from a single point with a huge explosion.
While all other explosions damage the existing order, the 300 billion
galaxies in the universe emerged from zero volume, nothing in other
words, with this explosion, known as the Big Bang.
The Milky Way we live in is just one of these 300 billion galaxies.
There are 250 billion stars in the Milky Way. The Sun is one of these
250 billion stars.
The number of stars, such as the Sun, in the visible universe is 10 24
, a stupendous number, more than a billion timesa billion times a
billion. Allah has created the Earth as a living space within the
boundless universe. We live on a world that occupies almost no place
at all within infinity. In fact, not just our Earth but even our
galaxy occupies a tiny place in the universe. So just imagine how
small a place you yourself occupy in this utterly vast universe.
Every single atom in each of these 10 24 stars is under the control of
Allah at every moment. Every movement, speed, speed of revolution, the
temperatures and distances of and between every planet, every one of
the 10 24 stars and 300 billion galaxies are all determined in the
Sight of Allah and are duly created at every moment. Allah
maintainscountless balances on Earth at every second, without our ever
being aware of them. While a flawless equilibrium is being maintained
in the vastness of space, an extraordinary range of extraordinarily
complex and perfect processes also takes place within a few seconds in
every square millimeters of our bodies. For example;
About 100 billion processes have taken place in your eyes withina second.
50 million cells in your body have died every second.
50 million new cells havebeen created every second to replace those that die.
10 million bits of information has been sent from your eyes to your
brain every second.
10 million energy molecules, known as Adenosine triphospate, (ATP)
have been produced in all your 100 trillion cells, every single
In addition, these processes have taken place every single second, not
LIVING ONEARTH AT THIS MOMENT because each of the 100 trillion cells
in the bodiesof all these 7 billion people is under the control of
Allah at every moment.
Are you at all aware of these events taking place inside and around
you at every single moment?
The balances maintainedat every moment are notonly limited to space
andthe human body;
At the same time, quadrillions of plants, from more than 500,000
species, all make photosynthesis, and oxygen levels are thus arranged
in such a way that organisms can remain alive.
Two million species of animals and plants on the land, under the
ground and in the depths of the seas continued their lives through
their perfect systems.
100 billion birds from 10,000 species and trillions of fish from
40,000 species have spent that second hunting, migrating or looking
after their young. The digestive and respiratory systems of every
single one have functioned in perfection.Their bones, muscles, eyes,
feet and fins have all performed their tasks just as they should.
For example, this fly has beaten its wings 500 times a second. While
it is impossible for a human being to flap his arms 500 times a
second,the trillions of flies on Earth have beaten their wings 500
times within the second that just passed by.
Insects whose numbers reach extraordinary figures of 10 quintillion
(10,000,000,000,000,000,000), from 1.5 million species, have remained
alive through their countless features such as their delicate insect
antennae, the chemicals they use to communicate, the poisons they
employ for offense and defense andtheir hunting and camouflage
It is Almighty and Omniscient Allah, He Who is aware of all things,
Who keeps each one of these systems under His control simultaneously.
While many living thingsin the animal kingdom continue their lives in
a flawless manner, with their numbers more than the human mind could
Every photon coming from the Sun has traveled 300,000 kilometers; and
thus colors have formed.
Every second, 16 million tons of water have fallento Earth as rain.
The Sun, which is one of the 250 billion stars in the Milky Way, which
itself is one of the 300 billion galaxies in the universe, has
converted 564 tons of hydrogen into 560 million tons of helium and
thus provided light and heat for the Earth.
Are you at all aware of these events taking place inside and around
you at every moment?
Do you know how many leaves there are on all the trees on Earth?
Or how many atoms there are in every leaf?
Have you ever wonderedhow many grains of sand there are on and inthe world?
Or what the number of raindrops is?
Do you know how many billions of types of animals and plants thereare
in the world?
Or can you know how many people have lived ever since the time of the
Prophet Adam (pbuh), how many are living now, or how manywill live up
until the Day of Reckoning? Is it at all possible for you to knowthe
number of cells in their bodies, or how many proteins are produced in
those cells?
But our Almighty Lord knows all these things we've just counted, and
He knows how many planets and asteroids there are in the vastness of
outer space, how many stars there are, and how many electronsrevolve
around the nuclei of their atoms. Each one of these acts occur by the
leave of Allah, Lord of the worlds.Allah is Omniscient and He knows
all things.
• Apart from blood and reproductive cells, all thecells in the body
manufacture some 2000 proteins a second. This process takes place in
EVERY SINGLE ONE of all the 100 trillion cells of ALL the 7 billion
people living today.
• The 100 trillion cells in an adult person's body produce protein
chains that flawlessly organize some 150,000,000,000,000,000,000 (150
quintillion) amino acids every hour. Note this; in order to produce
protein chains, every single one of the 100 trillion cells in the
bodies of 7 billion people organize 150 quintillion amino acids -a
number that the human mind would fail to grasp- every hour.
• During every cell division, DNA, a library that consists of 3
billion letters, 1 million pages and 1000 volumes, is copied. This
wondrous process of division takes place with the same perfection in
the 100 trillion cells of each and every single one of the 7billion
people living in the world.
• A ribosome can add 20 amino acids to a protein chain every second.
Wide-ranging protein synthesis thus takes place uninterruptedly every
second in every single one of the 100 trillion cells of all the people
in the world.
• There are some 10 billion nerve cells in the brain, and
communication betweenthem is established by means of 100 trillion
• 4 billion information exchanges take place every second between the
two hemispheres of the brain. The brain deals with 750 million signals
coming from inside and outside the body.
• A single brain cell can transmit more than 200,000 pieces of
information at the same time.
• Do you realize that all these processes TAKE PLACE EVERY SECOND IN
• The white blood cells in the veins subject 10 billion cells in the
body to health checks every 2 seconds. This check-up has taken place
in all thepeople who have ever lived, and is taking placein the 7
billion people currently living today.
• 500 different chemical processes are carried outin a single liver cell.
• With every breath taken, more than 300 million air sacs in the lungs
open and close to admit air into the body. These cells and sacs
carryout the same tasks, without exception, in the bodies of ALL THE 7
BILLION PEOPLE that breathe in, every three seconds.
• The heart of the hummingbird, a tiny bird which has far
betterhearing than human beings and can see ultraviolet rays, beats
300-1200 times a minute. And the hearts of all the hummingbirds on
earth beat 300-1200 times every single minute.
• 40,000 bees have to visit 6 million flowers to make 1 kilo of honey.
• The fastest computers in the world can perform 16 billion arithmetic
processes a second. Yet the honey bee can perform 10 trillion
processes in the same time while expending less energy.
• Bacteria provides the oxygen we breathe. Cyanobacteria, algae and
other micro-organisms in the sea give off some 150 billionkilograms of
oxygen intothe air every year.
• A tiny ant has some 500,000 nerve cells. Thanks to this
extraordinary system, ants are able to use very different forms of
communication. They are able to perform many activities, such as
hunting prey, following one another, building nests and fighting
enemies thanks to this special nervous system.
• More snowflakes than can ever be calculated fall from the skies
every year, and each one is different than all the others.
Allah has created systemsthat the human mind cannot fully comprehend,
the details of which have still not been discovered. Billionsof
details have been combined together and provided for people in the
finest and most beautiful way. Man can only live by means of his DNA
being copied every moment, the breath he takes in, the oxygen he
inhales with every breath he takes, his heart that beats every single
moment, the Earththat constantly revolves, the food cycle, the
watercycle, the nitrogen cycle, all the constantly movingatoms and
countless other details.
Thıs is without doubt a very simple matter for Almighty Allah, Who
creates from nothing, Who ordains all things asHe wishes and Who is
mighty enough to createthem as He wishes at anytime.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan-
The keys of the Unseen are in His possession. No one knows them but
Him. He knows everything in the land and sea. No leaf falls without
His knowing it. There is no seed in the darkness of the earth, and
nothing moist or drywhich is not in a Clear Book. (Surat al-An'am, 59)
What people who realizethese miracles going on at every moment must do
is to reflect on the greatness of Allah, Lord of the worlds and give
thanks to Him for every blessing and every beauty. Because as we have
been informed in the Qur'an, every person will be called to account
for the blessings bestowed on him when the Day of Reckoning comes.
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed satan-
He has given you everything you have asked Him for. If you tried to
number Allah's blessings, you could never count them. Man isindeed
wrongdoing, ungrateful. (Surah Ibrahim, 34)


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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