Wednesday, November 21, 2012

True stories - Desperate in love

Hi, I am here today to share with you my story, Ihave been searching
for love since I was a kid, I am now 29 years and I was not good in
relationship, I am now onmy bed writing to you and crying, feeling
defeated and angry, wishi can do something to hurt the one i loved
just to make him feel what i feel now.
I met this guy last year, and he touched my heart very deeply. I was
afraid to go on with him because i do not want to be hurt again.
He kept telling me that i wont regret my life with him, we had so much
fun and truly loved each other, we had the best year together. He was
afraid to leave him, because he kept telling me how much he loves me.
One day he told me that he had a chance to leave the country for a job
and he will be away for a long time, he told me to wait for him,
because he loves me and he will never love anyone but me.
We said goodbye i told him that i love him and illbe waiting for him
to getmarried and to live happily ever after.
after one month he changed, he send me a pic of him on viber and i was
shocked that also sent it to another girl sheused to work with him. I
have asked him y he sent it, he told me by mistake in that time i felt
that he is cheating on me and all the promises he made to me was a big
lie, we had a fight, we did not contact for almost 12 days, I sent him
and told him if this is a break up, he text me back and told me that
he wants to be alone and wants to focus more in his new work and we
can be just friends, when i got this i was angry and sad, i do not
know what to do, I still in shock i wish i can chim again and tell him
how much i really love him and i can forget the old days we have
I wish him back because ineed him so much.
More stories from"Separation"
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At the tender age of twenty years, I have beenlucky enough to fall in
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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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