Friday, November 23, 2012

Should a person who comes late to Jumu’ah prayer recite aloud when he makes up the rak’ah he missed?

When a person catches up with a rak'ah of Jumu'ah prayers, then he
stands up to make up what he missed, should he recite aloud or not?
Praise be to Allaah.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
On the contrary, he should recite quietly, because when a person who
joined the prayer late stands up to make up what he missed, he is then
praying alone, so atthat point he is subject to the rulings concerning
one who prays alone. During the part of the (congregational) prayer he
caught up with, he was subject to the rulings concerning one who prays
in congregation behind an imaam. So he should do sujood (sajdat
al-sahw – prostration of forgetfulness) if he forgets something in
thepart of the prayer that he is making up. Since this is the case,
then the one who joined the prayer late should recite aloud where the
person who prays individually should recite aloud. The scholars whose
view is that the person who prays individually shouldrecite aloud in
Maghrib, 'Ishaa' and Fajr say that he should recite aloud if he is
making up the first two rak'ahs. The scholarswhose view is that the
person who prays individually should not recite aloud say that the
person who joined the prayer late should not recite aloud in this
case. Nobody prays Jumu'ah individually, so no one can imagine that a
person making up part of it individually has to recite aloud. The
person who joined the prayer late is like the person who is praying
individually, so he should not recite aloud. But the person who joins
the Jumu'ah prayerlate is considered to have prayed Jumu'ah in
essence, because he followed the imaam, anddifferent conditions apply
to the one who follows than to the one who leads, with regard to
numbers and so on. But the Sunnah states that a person who catches up
with one rak'ah has caught up with the prayer, so he has caught up
with Jumu'ah, just as a personwho does one rak'ah of 'Asr before the
sun sets, or one rak'ah of Fajr before the sun rises, is considered to
have caught up with the prayer and done it on time, even if the rest
of his prayer is done outside of the prescribed time. And Allaah knows

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