Monday, November 26, 2012

Hijaab is not a personal choice

Contrary to whatever you may believe, Hijaab (Islamic covering) is not
a free personal choice. As aMuslim woman, you are not free; you are a
slave of Allaah The Almighty. What is the relationship between freedom
and uncovering parts of your body, adorning yourself, and uncovering
your face? Does the belief that 'beauty of the soul is the real
beauty' entitle a woman to be indecently dressed?
The enemies of Islam have turnedwomen into a cheap commodity; they
despise you; they do not respect your mind, thought or character; they
are only concerned about your body. Otherwise, let me know: What is
the rationale behind an attractivewoman appearing on an advertisement
for razors or tires? Does this show respect for a woman's mind? Or
does this point to the fact that the media and marketing industry only
think about exploiting her body? Why do they not let women who are
covered in Hijaab be shown in their ads?
If you could listen to what your colleagues in the university or work
say about you behind your back, you would be horrified. They speak
about your looks. They do not care for your intelligence or
personality; they are only concerned about your femininity. This is
the nature of man, and whoever claims otherwise is either a liar or
Wearing Hijaab is not a free personal choice, and you are certainly
not free to do as you think fit; you are a slave of Allaah The
Almighty. You have no right to disobey His orders. Allaah The Almighty
Says (what means): } And whoever turns away from Myremembrance –
indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We willgather him on the
Day of Resurrection blind." He will say,"My Lord, why have You raised
me blind while I was [once] seeing?" [Allaah] will say, "Thus did Our
signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be
forgotten." And thus do We recompense he who transgressed and did not
believe in the signs of his Lord. And the punishment of the Hereafter
is more severe and more enduring. { [Quran 20:124-127]
Hijaab is not a free personal choice because it is the commandof
Allaah The Almighty and His Messenger , and the consensus of the
Muslim scholars. Furthermore, Hijaab gives you the chance to test the
truthfulness of those who claim that they are only concerned withyour
mind and character. If the case is true as they claim, wearing Hijaab
will help them focus on your character, not your make-up, clothes, or
charms. At this point you will discover the truth, and you will not
find any man paying you attention or speaking to you because they do
not need anything from you except your femininity.
It is shameful that a woman whopretends to respect herself and cherish
her honor and dignity seeks to impress people with her body. Surely,
you humiliate your humanity by failing to adhere to correct Hijaab and
by showing off your face in place.
An American woman says that she got fed up with such widespread
corruption in her society, where a woman is judged only according to
her appearance, and this greatly influences her field of work,
promotions, and the opportunities of practical and emotional life. She
adds that a woman has to always appear beautiful and attractive in
order to attain easy success in every stage of her life.
This woman converted to three religions that could not soothe her
agony. Now she adheres to a sect of Judaism because she admires the
fact that this sect obliges women to dress modestly and admonishes
them not to intermix with men except in case of necessity.
Another American woman says that she has embraced one of theold pagan
religions of the Native Americans because that religion pays special
respect to women, orders them to wear decent clothes and prohibits
extramarital and premarital relationships. She adds that she feels
that this religion respects women and protects values in society.
A practicing Muslim woman relates that she had been fully covered in
Hijaab when she was obliged to travel to a European country with her
family to receivemedical care for her father. In thehospital, a nurse
asked her permission to see her face, and when the nurse saw it, she
was shocked. She thought that the woman covered her face because she
was ugly or had a defect. When the nurse asked the woman why she was
covering up, the woman explained to her that Islam sees women as a
jewelthat must be kept away from the eyes of strangers. The woman said
that the nurse was listening attentively, and later, she said,"How
wonderful! I wish I could cover myself up like you. I suffer alot from
people's looks at the details of my body and feel that I am a dummy;
even here I feel that all people are staring at me."
Professor Sigrid Hunke, author of the famous book Allah's Sun
Risesover the West , outlines the glory of the Arabs and Muslims and
theinfluence of their civilization on the Western renaissance. In an
Islamic conference, she was asked to give advice to a Muslim woman who
wanted to discard her Hijaab . She said,
"A Muslim woman should not take the European or American women as role
models. By doing so, she loses the elements of her character. Thus,
she has to abide by the original guidance of Islam and follow in the
footsteps of theearly righteous women. She should cherish their
values and adapt them to the needs of modern times. She should also
focus on her significant mission of being a mother of the future Arab
Helen Stanberry, an American writer and a freelance journalist for
more than 250 American newspapers, publishes a daily article read by
millions of Americans. She spent several weeks in an Arab country, and
when she returned home, she said that the Arab society is perfect and
sound, and it should adhere to its customs which limitthe freedom of
young women and men reasonably. She adds that the Arabs have inherited
manners which necessitate limiting the freedom of the woman,
respecting the mother and father, and, more than that, eliminating the
immorality of theWest which is destroying the society and families in
Europe and America. She advises the Arabs to continue preventing the
free intermixing between the two sexes, narrow the freedom of the
girl, and adhere to Hijaab like the earlier generations did. This
would be better for the Arabs than immorality, liberty and the
profligacy of Europe and America.
Anger with this inferior look at women was condemned in the words of
Meryl Streep, an American actress, and the 1983 Academy Award winner.
In a press conference, she said that every time she visited a public
place, people would scrutinize the measurements of her body tomake
sure that she was a beautiful and worthy of being thebest American
actress. This disturbed her a lot because she knew that people looked
at her only to judge her body. .
She contested the so-called Women's Liberation Movement, saying that
she does not like the present-day concepts about women because they
view the ideal woman to be the one who has a slim body. [ Excerpted
from the book "Risaalah Ila Hawaa' by Rasheed Al-'OOwayid [
A woman so fond of the Abaya that she wears it at home
A Korean girl wrote on the internet, "I love your dress…yes…Ilove this
Abaya which fully covers the body. I love it so much and love to wear
it. I asked my cousin, who works in the Gulf region to send me one.
Once it was sent to me, I wore it immediately. Although many people
mocked me and were surprised at my appearance, I stillwear it from
time to time and sometimes at home. I feel greatlycomfortable and
content when wearing it."
At a time when women all over the world are searching for their
identity by returning to decency and covering up, many Muslim women
are trying to find ways and justifications to say that Hijaab is not a
religious obligation, or that the essence is more important than
Muslim sister, do not sacrifice theeverlasting life in the Hereafter;
do not risk it. You cannot do that.It is either everlasting bliss or
everlasting doom. Many women before you followed the way of liberation
and pride, but they reaped loss, failure, depression and misery. What
will you lose if you put on Hijaab ? What will you lose if you cover
your hair, arms and legs? Please, answer: What loss will you incur?
What has your friend who puts on Hijaab lost? Do not expose yourself
to the anger of Allaah The Almighty; otherwise, you live in suffering,
misery and pain. You have to put on Hijaab and quit the futile
argument. Just put it on. You arenot wiser than the women who wore
it, nor are you more beautiful or smarter than they are. You may ask
them about it. Oslave of Allaah, The Compeller, return to your Lord,
submit and surrender to Him; beware of the anger of Allaah The
Sovereign. Hijaab is not a free, personal choice and you are not free.
Islamhas its rules and principles, so whoever claims to adhere to it
is not allowed to violate its rules. Whoever accepts Islam as a
religion should submit to its orders and avoid its prohibitions.
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): } Whoever does righteousness,
whether male or female, while he is a believer, We will surely cause
him to live a good life, and We will surely give them their reward [in
the Hereafter] according to the best of what they used to do. { [Quran


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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