Monday, October 29, 2012

Knowledge of Unseen

Some people do not accept that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has
been blessed by Allah (S.W.T) with Ilm-e -Ghayb (Knowledge of the
The Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat believes that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ,
afterbeing informed by Allah (S.W.T) , is aware of everything that
happened and will happen. "Ghayb" is that hidden thing which cannot be
perceived by human senses nor can be known through human wisdom.
The Holy Quran has mentioned at various places that Allah (S.W.T) has
granted the Knowledge of Unseen to His exalted Prophets. (See Surah
Baqarah Part 1, Ayah 31; Surah Baqarah Part 1, Ayah 251; Surah Naml
Part 19, Ayah 16; Surah Ambiya Part 17, Ayah 74; Surah Yusuf Part 12,
Ayah 68; Surah Yusuf Part 12, Ayah 96; Surah Qasas Part 20, Ayah14)
The fact that Allah (S.W.T) has granted Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) the
Knowledge of Unseen, can be explained in three dimensions:
1) Firstly, he was given the Knowledge of the Unseen directly: (Surah
Hud Part 12, Ayah 49) "These are the news of the unseen, We (Allah)
reveal to you. Neither you did know it before, nor your people. Have
patience. Surely, there is good end for thepious." (This is also
referred toin Surah Yusuf Part 12 Ayah102 and Surah Tukweer Part 30,
Ayah24) .
2) He was given the Quran, which is the treasure house of the
Knowledge of the Unseen : "O people of the Book surely, Our (Allah's)
this Rasool (Messenger Muhammad (S.A.W) ) has come to you who makes
clear to you much of what you had hidden about the Book and he pardons
you much. Surely there has come to you from Allah aNoor (light of
enlightenment) and a very clear book"
(Surah Maidah Part 6, Ayah 15; See Also Surah Nahl Part 14, Ayah89;
SurahYusuf Part 12, Ayah 111;Surah Al -Inaam Part 7 Ayah 38; Surah
Naml Part 19, Ayah 75)
3) He was sent as a witness. A witness can only be that person who is
present at the place and time of happening and sees everything by
himself. "Surely, We (Allah) have sent you as a Witness and a Bearer
of good news and a Warner." (Surah Fath Part 26, Ayah 8; Surah Nisa
Part 5, Ayah 41)
These verses prove that Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) will stand witness on
the Day of Judgement. He will not only bear witness for his own Ummah
but also forthe Ummah of other Prophets.
And, finally, what can be hidden from the person who could see Allah
(S.W.T) ! The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) says: "I saw Allah the Almighty.
Allah (S.W.T) put His Hand at my back and I felt it's coolness in my
chest. That very moment, everything became known to Me and I
recognised everything." (Tirmidi; Mishkat)
From the evidence above, it is quite clear that our Beloved Prophet
(S.A.W) has been bestowed with the knowledge of Unseen.
Within a period of approximately 1500 years, from the time it was
proclaimed by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) , Islam has encountered an
infinite amount of tribulations. In spite of these scathingattacks
against our beloved Deen, never once was it tarnished or disrupted
because, Alhamdulillah, it is Allah (S.W.T) Himself who is the
Protector and Helper of it. He (S.W.T) states in the Holy Quran;
"Surely, We (Allah) have revealed this remembrance (Quran) and We
(Allah) are surely its guardian". (Surah Hajr, V9)
Mischief varying in nature, e.g. the fitna of Yazeed, the scourge of
Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, the deception of the Khaarijees etc., had previously
unsuccessfullytried to demolish the foundations of Islam, butthe most
formidable fitna this Deen had yet to face was the Wahabism of Najdis.
It is stated in a Hadith that our Beloved Prophet (S.A.W) has said,"In
the period prior to the Day of Judgement, false and deceitful groups
will emerge. They will say things to you, which neither you nor your
forefathers willhave heard before. Stay away from these deceitful
people and do not let them come near you! Do not be misguided by them
and do not let them cause strife amongst you!"
(Muslim Sharif)
The beliefs and practicesof Ahle Sunnah wal Jamaat are questioned by
other sects to be unauthentic and the seed of doubt is placed in the
minds of Muslims to encourage them to divert allegiance.
In this blessed month of Ramadan, Janathi Message aims to clearly
outline with evidence, what the Aqaid and practices of Ahle Sunnah wal
Jamaat are; from Shirk and Tauheed to proclaiming Ya Rasoolallah
(S.A.W) , from celebrating Milaad-un-Nabi (S.A.W) to reading Darood
Shareef before and after Azaan.
We intend to make you aware of some of the main deviated sects that
are present in our time and what beliefs they hold. We will clearly
highlight and expose theblasphemous beliefs held by these misguided
The biggest threat to Islam these days is from the Wahhaabi, Deobandi,
Tablighi and Salafi sects. This threat to an average Muslim is not
obvious at all. These days they want to call themselves Sunnis to
deceive innocent Muslims.
The physical appearanceof these renegades may deceive one as they
decorate their deceitful faces with the Sunnah ofthe beard and perform
compulsory acts such as Salaat, in a most convincing manner. However,
their corrupt beliefs prove that they have no love for the Beloved
Prophet (S.A.W) .
Other deviant sects such as the Shia's and Qadiani's have also
continued to propagate their deviant idiologies which have no Islamic
base. From blasphemous statements against Sahaba e Iqraam (R.A) , to
believe the existence of another Prophet are proven to contradict true
Our purpose in preparing these topics isto present the truth based on
authentic evidence. We don't wantto expose the differences with view
to cause segregation in theUmmah, but rather to invite all to the true
teachings of Islam with aim of following the correct Aqaid and
practices of our beautiful Deen.

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