Monday, October 29, 2012

Holy Prophet (S.A.W) hears from Both Near and Afar

Some people whose Aqeeda is that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) cannot hear
anything from a distance. They say that He (S.A.W) only hears the
voices of his Ummah who are in Madinah tul Munawwarah and that He
(S.A.W) can only hear the Darood Shareef that is recited there. They
saythat if a person believes that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) can hear
from bothnear and far, then he is committing Shirk or Polytheism (i.e.
associating partners with Allah (S.W.T) ).
Below are a few of manyexamples, to highlight that those people who
have belief like the ones mentioned above, are completely wrong in
their thinking.
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) was making Wudu for Tahajjud Salaah at
the home of Hazrat Maimuna (R.A) . He (S.A.W) suddenly called out
three times, "Labbaik, Labbaik, Labbaik!" (Here I am) and "Nusirtu,
Nusirtu, Nusirtu!" (I helped you). After sayingthis, He (S.A.W)
remained where He was and did not leave that place.
Hazrat Maimuna (R.A) further said: "When the Prophet (S.A.W) completed
His Wudu, I asked Him why He had called out those words". He (S.A.W)
replied: "Raajiz was calling me".
What actually happened was that the Quraish wanted to kill Hazrat Umar
bin Saalim Raajiz (R.A) as he was on the road leading to Madinatul
Munawwarah.He (R.A) called out: "O Nabi (S.A.W) ! Help me or else the
enemies will kill me!" Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) responded to his
call from home and saved him from death. (Baihaqi; Tibrani)
This Hadith Shareef proves four points:
(A) Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) is observing his Ummah.
(B) It is Ja'iz (Permissible)to call the Prophet (S.A.W) for help.
(C) Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) can hear the call of his Ummah.
(D) Sayyiduna Rasoolullah (S.A.W) can help those in distress,
regardless of distance.
While addressing the Sahaba (R.A) , Rasoolullah (S.A.W) proclaimed:
"What I see you cannot see, andwhat I hear you cannot hear." (Tirmidhi
In another Hadith it states that when a person recites Darood Shareef,
an Angel takes it and presents it before Almighty Allah. Allah
Almighty says, "Take it tothe Mazaar of my Beloved servant, Muhammad
(S.A.W) so that he may make Du'a-e-Bakhshish for the personwho sent
the Darood and he may gain coolness in his eyes".
From this Hadith Shareefit is obvious that the Darood Shareef is first
taken to Allah (S.W.T) , and then presented in the court of the Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) .
Some people argue that if the Prophet (S.A.W) hears the Darood, then
what need is there for the Angels to present it to Him?
This argument is baseless, as it is not only contradicting the power
of hearing of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) , but it is also contradicting
the power of Hearing of Allah (S.W.T) as well, since the Darood
Shareef is first presented in the Court of Allah (S.W.T) . Doesthis
Ma'az-Allah mean that Allah (S.W.T) cannot hear from near and afar?


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And Allah Knows the Best!

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Published by :->
M NajimudeeN Bsc- INDIA

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