Monday, October 15, 2012


I don't knw how to strt.. 2 yrs bck a boy used to lyk me.. I don't
even knew him.. wen I came toknw abt him.. I saw d boy.. his name was
chinmay.. I dint lyk him atdat tym.. but just becoz of my frndz I got
in a relationship with him.. but 2nd day I broke up wid him.. becoz it
was soo in a hurry I dint gt even tym to thnk abt him.. soo I broke
up.. but we became frndz on fb.. vry gud frndz.. days passed he
proposed me again 3 tymes.. but at dattym I lyked sum1 else..his name
ws yash.. so I neversaid yes to him... After 2 yrs one. day my frnd
told me dat I lyk yash but I will nvr get him.. its better if I say
yes to chinmay.. I told dem dat Im not desperate to get yash its just
ok with me ifhe was my crush.. but they dint listen to me.. nddey told
me to get in a relationship with chinmay.. becoz he still lyked me...
My frnd told me to.gve him one chance.. I too gave him dat one
chance.. I said him about yash.. nd evrythng still hesaid if I m
comfortable wd him he have no problem..I live in hostel.. nd I dint
have ny cellphn. We used to talk.only in skul.. again he nvr
complained abt me anythng.. the best part ofhim was his nature.. he
was awsm.. He look cute..:)) slowly I strd falling for him.. but as
said good tymes never last for long.. as d same wd me.. it ws almost 3
ndhalf months of our relation.. wen I came on outing I used to talk to
him on phone.. we used to fight every day.. I don't want anyone to
restrict me.. or ask me to change.. if u feel I need to change for
anyone I will change myself.. he always asked me to Chnge.. he always
said me I don't knoe d.meaning of relationship..!!
What is relationship..?? A boy nd a gal get commuted.. dey share some
feelings for each other.. whether it is fake or genuine.. saying I luv
uh to each other.. doing some promises to each other.. dey knoe dat
dose. Promises dey will not fullfill.. huh..:/ And I finally I was fed
up I broke up once again.. at dat tym I was happy..:)) I was.lyk
finally I got my space.. my freedom.. but frankly speaking
chinmaynever bounded me fem anything..:)) Infct I dint give him d
reason for break up.. as I knw I should. But I dint... Wt reason I
would have given.. wen I too don't knoe d exact reason fr break up..:/
finally I tried to frgt him..den again yash came to my lyf.. I strd
chatng wth.him.. I even get commited with yash for ten days.. after
break up I realized.Wt a dumbhead I was.. the person who don't even
care abt me..I lyked him the whole one year..I wasted my precious.tym
thnking abt him.. after dis matter I thought I willnvr lyk anyone lyk
this.. but my promise to myself not.lasted for long.. I strtd tolkng
to chinmay once again.. he had changed d skul aftr breakup.. just
becoz of me.. ( atleast dat wat I thnk.) ndnow I him nd
with.his talks I can feel he lykes me vry I dunnoe Wt to
do.. I hv also discover some feelings for him.. but I dun wanna be in
a relation again..!! Nd I cnt avoid himm.. me what should I
doo..??? ):)

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