Wednesday, September 19, 2012



When the Messenger(s.a.w.) talks about good and its doers in society.
He wants to teach Muslims and Islamic society that an Islamic society
is a cooperative one... The social service performed by a scientist.
farmer, doctor. teacher, thinker, social reformer , and one who
participates in charitable projects, or helps the poor and the needy.
all these works are considered good deeds to which generous people in
society contribute. Therefore, those who are doing good and are
inspired in their work by knowledge of Allah and who like to do good
seeking His pleasure. theseare the best people because of their social
The glorious Prophet (s.a.w.) has guided our social preferences
through his example. i.e. serving the society and encouraging social
advancement while seeking Allah's pleasure.
The Islamic view which sees society as one family and creation (the
human being, animal, plant) as belonging to Allah and depends on Him.
It aims toshape this world with all its individuals and elements into
a unity and completeness, to deepen the cultured comprehension and
consciousness of man and to confirm his role in serving to develop the
world. Thus man is in needof mutual good advantages. to help his
brother progress in humanistic ways. The animal and plant kingdoms are
also in need of and prosper through this enlightened attitude.
Man is the master of this earth and it is his responsibility to
improve it. Thus we see that Prophet Salih (a.s.) when addressing his
people, explains to them this fact which the Holy Qur'an narrates as a
profound lesson for humanity.
The Almighty Allah has said:
"And to Thamud (We sent} their brother Salih. He said: O my people!
worship Allah, you have no god other than Him; He brought you forth
from the earth, and settled you therein; so ask forgiveness of Him,
then repent to Him; surely my Lord is Near, Responsive."
Holy Qur'an (11:61)
We also see that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) ordered people to
do good and considered the one who does so as the best one among
people. It should be noted that the truth of his call 'todo good'
encompasses animals and plants which is clear through his speech.Once
a man asked the Prophet (s.a.w.): Can we consider watering a
thirstydog as a charity? he answered:
"To water every thirsty liver, there is a reward init."
The truth of this prophetic character is incarnated in the Messenger's
behaviour and in his august biography...It happened once that a
thirsty cat crossed near him, he bent down holding a plate full of
water with his noble hand and allowed it to drink.
The Messenger's call to do deeds beneficial to people gives life.
value and meaning through which people will feel the value of
existence and the meaning of humanity.
If in the struggle for being fertile ground is not found,goodness does
not prosperand the human being becomes voracious, life will be
transformed into unbearable evil and greed.
According to Islamic principles. a human being is considered as a
source ofgoodness and a continual blessing. Any good word which
increases love and peace; or reduces the painsand the sufferings of
souls which are burdened with afflictions; or engenders calmness and
confidence in the hearts; or eliminatesfear and narrowness; or reforms
the wicked one from among the people; orremoves enmity among people is
the word which expresses the spirit of goodness of the speaker.
Any genuine smile and constant cheerfulness in the face of your Muslim
brother will reduce his weariness, sufferings and problems of life, is
considered a good deed whose author should be praised and is deserving
ofthe respect of people.
Any attempt to provide the needs of the poor and to help the aggrieved
one relieve his sorrow. is an actof beneficence which is loved by
Allah and for which people will give thanks. Any display of sympathy,
which a man shows to an oppressed human or animal, is considered an
act of good loved by Allah and His Messenger and received with
gratefulness by the people.
To resist by bearing the responsibility of doing good and to call
others to Islam is an act of goodnesswhich is loved by Allah, Who
invites people to do so.
"And from among you there should be a party inviting to good and
bidding what is right anffibidding what is wrong and those are the
Holy Qur'an (3:104)
To direct others to do good or to initiate it, whether through speech,
or guiding, or b. y explaining its ways; all are acts of benevolence
loved by Allah and appreciated by people.
There are different ways ofdoing good and its door is open for all.
Every one has the capacity to do so or participate in it by directing
others towards it.or by standing against his greediness and its
wickedness and in this way he will protect himself from destructive
ethical sickness.
It is in man's capacity to bea source of benefit through his innate
power, ability and position.:->

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