Wednesday, September 19, 2012



In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
"The day when every soul will find what it has done of good brought
forward, and what it has done of evil; it will wish there was a far
space between itself and it (evil). And Allah warns you to beware of
Him; and Allah is Compassionate with His servants".
Holy Qur'an (3:30)
"They ask you what they should spend. Say: Whatever of wealth you
spend, is for the parents, relatives, orphans, the needy and the
traveller, and whatever good you do, Allah is surely Omniscient of
Holy Qur'an (2:215)
A man once asked the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.):
"What people does Allah love most ?". He said,"They are the most
useful ones to people." ( 1 )
It is also narrated from theProphet Muhammad (s.a.w.) that he said:
All mankind belong to Allah, therefore the most favored by Allah is
the one who is good to his or her own family" ( 2 )
It is also narrated that the Messenger (s.a.w.) said:
"Whoever guides (others) towards good is like the one who does it." ( 3 )
It is also narrated that:
"The doer of good is better than good itself and the evil-doer is
worse than evil itself" ( 4 )
It is also narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said:
"Do not do anything of good so as to be seen bypeople, nor give it up
because of shyness" ( 5 )
It is narrated from Imam Ali ibn Abi-Talib (a.s.) that he said:
"Speak much of good in order to be known by it and do good to be
identified with its followers." ( 6 )
Ideologies. laws. systems. ideas and theories- createdby human beings
in the fields of ethics, politics. sociology. economic, psychology and
the arts etc... all express their author's ideological. psychological
and social inclinations.
It is also obvious that the nature of human creation is defective and
incomplete. People generally differ among themselves in their
psychological. ideological. ethical and social background and
Therefore, some ideologiesand theories reflect the twisted and complex
ethics of their authors and originators who produced these ideals
either under the influence of their environment or by inheritance and
Thus, we see some of these ideologies bear the spirit of spite and
revenge.while others are characterized by chaos anddisorder...still
others reflectthe greedy and selfish nature of their originators. In
every aspect they mirrorthe nature. personality. disposition and
psychological state of theirauthors.
Thought is essentially a self-portrait. All the tragedies, sufferings
and evil borne by humanity arethe result of poisoned thinking
transformed into philosophies, designed either to deceive the human
being or be imposed on him by force. People are victims of unbalanced
personalities like Marx. Nietzsche, Freud,Sartre, Durckheim and other
theorists and philosophers which urge people towards destruction and
The main difference between Islam and other ideologies is its being
the Message of Allah to mankind and a call to reform humanity towards
following the Divine Path.
Therefore Islam, through its laws and principles, expresses the
perfectness of the Great Creator. Who is the source of good,
knowledge, mercy, love. and beauty in this world. His characteristics
are made clear by the call of the prophets and messengers in the
spirit of goodness love and peace.
Thus among the foundations on which the moral and social system
ofIslam is built, is its call to do good, to make the human being a
source of power. and reformation in this world. Islam frees him from
the wicked tendencies which cause him to abstain from doing good to
people and society.
A major social problem for the human being is created by his
selfishness, desiring good only for himself and sometimes forbidding
that good be rendered to others.
This wicked tendency which the Holy Qur'an collectively describes as
'shu'h' (greediness) is condemned. The Qur'an also condemns whoever is
characterized by it, considering him to be among the criminals and the
aggressors who stand against human principles and life itself. and
promises him intense punishment in the hereafter, as it views 'shu'h'
as the source of all tribulations. the root causeof poverty and
aggression,hatred, spite, covetousness, deprivation and sufferings in
this present life.
The Almighty Allah has said:
"Do cast into hell every ungratefull, rebellious one. Forbidder of
good, exceeder of limits, doubter."
Holy Qur'an (50:24-25)
The Almighty has also said:
"..and reconciliation is better, and souls are prone to avarice. And
if you do good and be God-fearing, then surely Allah is Cognizant of
what you do"
Holy Qur'an (4:128)
For the same reason, Islamconsiders prosperity and success as a
protection against such harmful moral sickness.
The Almighty Allah has said:
"...and whoever is saved from the greediness of his soul, these it is
that are the successful."
Holy Qur'an (64:16)

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