Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1b- The Benefits of becoming a Murîd

14. Associate very little with rulers and those who hold high positions.
15. Stay very far from irreligious people.
16. Do not search for the faults of others. Do not have evil thoughts
about anyone. Instead,look at your own faults and try to put them in
17. You should be very particular in offering your salât in the proper
manner, at the proper time and with great concentration.
18. Always occupy yourself in the remembrance of Allah either with
your heart or tongue. Do not be neglectful in this regard at any time.
19. If you experience any satisfaction in taking the name of Allah and
your heart feels happy over this, then express your gratitude to
20. Speak in a nice, humble way.
21. Set aside specific times for all your different tasks and abide
strictly to these times.
22. Consider whatever regret, sorrow or loss you may experience to be
from Allah. Do not be despondent. Instead, think that you will be
rewarded for this.
23. Do not think about worldly matters, calculations, profits
andlosses, etc. all the time. Instead, think about Allah.
24. As far as possible, try to helpand benefit others irrespective of
whether it be in worldly affairs or Dînî matters.
25. Do not eat and drink too littleto the extent that you become weak
and fall ill. Nor should you eat and drink too much to the extent that
you feel lazy in carrying out the different acts of 'ibâdah.
26. Do not have any desire or greed for anything from anyone except
Allah. Do not allow your mind to wander towards any place thinking
that you will be able to gain certain benefit or profit from there.
27. Be restless in your quest for Allah.
28. Be grateful for the favours that are bestowed upon you
irrespective of whether they areplenty or few. Do not be depressed
with poverty and destitution.
29. Overlook the faults and mistakes of those who are under your control.
30. If you learn of any fault of someone, conceal it. However, if the
person plans to cause harm to someone else and you learn of it, then
warn the other person beforehand.
31. Be in the service of guests, travellers, strangers, 'ulamâ, and
the pious servants of Allah.
32. Choose the company of the pious.
33. Fear Allah all the time.
34. Remember death.
35. Set aside a certain time daily wherein you should think aboutall
your actions for that day. When you remember any good action, express
gratitude. When you remember any evil action, repent.
36. Don't ever speak a lie.
37. Don't ever attend gatheringsthat are contrary to the Sharî'ah.
38. Live with bashfulness, modesty and forbearance.
39. Do not be conceited by thinking to yourself that "I
havesuch-and-such qualities in me."
40. Continue making du'â to Allah to keep you steadfast on the straight path./

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