Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1a- The Benefits of becoming a Murîd

5. If you mistakenly become a murîd of a person who acts contrary to
the Sharî'ah, or if he was good in the beginning and later changed,
then sever your contact with him and become a murîd of some other
pious person. However, if your shaykh commits a sin which could be
overlooked, then think to yourself that he is also human and that he
is not an angel. He has made a mistake which could be forgiven by his
making taubah. Do not allow your conviction in him to dwindle over
trivial matters. However, if the shaykh persists on such acts, sever
your contactwith him.
6. It is a sin to believe that your shaykh has full knowledge of
everything you do.
7. Never read books which havestories of the dervishes which appear to
be contrary to the Sharî'ah. Similarly, you should not read poems that
are contrary to the Sharî'ah.
8. Some dervishes say that the path of the Sharî'ah is different from
the path of the dervishes. Such dervishes are astray. It is fard to
consider them to be liars.
9. If the shaykh asks you to do anything that is contrary to the
Sharî'ah, it is not permissible to act upon it. If he insists on you
to carry it out, sever your contact with him.
10. If, due to the barakah of taking the name of Allah, you experience
a good state in your heart, you have a good dream or upon waking up
you hear a voice or see some light, then do not mention this to anyone
other than your shaykh nor inform anyone of the wazîfahs that you read
or the 'ibâdah thatyou make, because by doing so, this good fortune
will go away.
11. If your shaykh asks you to recite a particular wazîfah or engage
in a particular form of dhikr and after some time you still do not
experience any delight in this, do not be disheartened, nor should you
lose your confidence in your shaykh. Instead, think to yourself that
the greatest effect is that your heart is making an intention of
remembering Allah and that you are being given the opportunity to do
good. Never think that you should be blessed with the opportunity of
pious persons appearing in your dreams, that you should begin to have
knowledge of things that are still going to occur, that you should be
able tocry profusely or that you shouldbecome so engrossed in your
'ibâdah that you are unaware ofother things. These things occur at
times and at times they do not. If they do, express your gratitude to
Allah. If they do not occur, decrease after having occurred frequently
or cease to occur altogether, then do not be saddened. However, if,
Allah forbid, you display any shortcoming in following the Sharî'ah or
commit any sin, thenthis is definitely something to be distressed
about. You should immediately make an effort to put your condition in
order, inform your shaykh about it and act upon his advice.
12. Do not be disrespectful of other shaykhs or other sûfi orders. Nor
should you address the murîds of other shaykhs or other sûfi orders by
telling themthat your shaykh is greater thanhis or that your sûfi
order is greater than his. By engaging in such unnecessary and foolish
conversations the heart begins to darken.
13. If your shaykh pays more attention to a fellow murîd, or if a
fellow murîd gains more benefit from his wazîfahs and dhikrs, do not
be jealous of him.
Guidelines on how a Murîd and every other Muslim should spend his night and day
1. Acquire knowledge of the Dîn according to your needs. You could
acquire this knowledge either by reading a book or by asking the
2. Abstain from all sins.
3. If you commit any sin, repent immediately.
4. Do not hold back in fulfilling anyone's right. Do not cause anyone
physical or verbal harm.Do not speak ill of anyone.
5. Do not have any love for wealth nor any desire for name and fame.
Do not concern yourself with extravagant food and clothing.
6. If someone rebukes you for your mistake or error, do not tryto
justify your action. Admit your fault and repent.
7. Do not embark on a journey without any dire necessity. This is
because many unconscious and unintended acts are committed while on a
journey. Many good deeds are missed out, there is a shortcoming in the
different forms of dhikr (remembrance of Allah), and youare unable to
accomplish your tasks on time.
8. Do not laugh excessively nor talk excessively. You should
takespecial precaution in not talking with ghayr mahrams (those with
whom the observance of purdah is incumbent) in an informal way.
9. Do not go about repeating or mentioning an argument that may have
taken place between two persons.
10. Always be mindful of the rules of the Sharî'ah in everything that you do.
11. Do not display laziness in executing any act of 'ibâdah.
12. Try and spend most of your time in seclusion.
13. If you have to meet and converse with others, meet them with
humility and do not display your greatness.
14. Ass....

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