Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Willing to Excel

This is all too familiar for a Muslim family who busy themselves
preparing for 'Iftar' - the dinner that marks the breaking of a
religious fast.
During the holy month of Ramadan, millions of Muslims from around the
globe will undergo a physical and mental abstinence known as fasting.
From the time dawn breaks in the morning, until the time the sun sets
at night, Muslims will refrain from eating or drinking, partaking in
sexual activity, speaking or actingin an obscene manner, or indulging
the mind and heart in things other than the remembrance of Allah. In
other words, for a period of 30 days, Muslims will focus on devoting
themselves to steady prayer and self-control.
Muslims Rise to the Challenge
This period of self-denial requires an incredible forceof will power,
and yet millions of Muslims worldwide will rise to the challenge. The
most addicted of smokers will give up their habits in order to comply
with the rules of fasting. Those like myself, with a strong
relationship to all things chocolate, will ignore the glistening
shimmer of a glazed doughnut and wait patiently for sundown to indulge
in sugary sweets. Even those with the occasional outburst of road rage
will simply grit their teeth and mutter the words '"Please watch out
Mr. cut-me-off" rather thanthe usual 'friendly' greeting.
Why Only in Ramadan?
This determination to better one's self as a Muslim and humanitarian
is so strong that one cannot help but feel proudat the accomplishment.
For30 days I can experience the joys of belonging to a community who
pray, fast and break fast in unison. I can sympathise with thosewho
are less fortunate than myself by suffering asthey suffer. I can act
on this sympathy by fulfilling my duty and paying a donation to the
poor, providing a meal for people in need and physically making a
contribution to assist others.
And so I begin to wonder: why should such accomplishments prevail only
in Ramadan? Why can't it be 'Ramadan' all year round so to speak? AsI
sit by my colleague, who nervously bends a paper clip in the hope of
quashing his nicotine craving, I realise that as the holiest month in
the Islamic calendar, ignoring the obligations of Ramadan would cost
morethan the puff of a cigarette.
Determining Priorities
The spiritual blessings received during Ramadan are so great that even
those most distant from their faith will surrender toGod. Living in a
city as diverse as Sydney, some will often be influenced bya culture
not of their own. It may be choosing to live a lifestyle which is
contradictory to the Islamic ideal. It may be thepreoccupation with
achieving a 'status' of importance in order to obtain respect and gain
a voice within the wider community. It may even be as simple as
changing the radio dial in one's mind - from highly focusedon your
duties as a good Muslim, to preoccupied with surviving a hectic dayat
work and home. Whatever the choice, it is up to the individual to
determine his or her priority in life, and fulfill it with only the
fear of judgment by a higher power.
Unfortunately for some, keeping up appearances infront of fellow
Muslims in order to live by a different set of standards seems to be
the solution. Always looking over their shoulder, always worrying
about getting caught in anact of indiscretion. This façade seems to
provide a superficial sense of 'freedom' and yet, as a Muslim, the
only consequences they should fear are those which come from God.
Perhaps a sense of duty is intensified during Ramadan, for there is no
other explanation forwhy this façade comes to ahalt only during this
time of the year.
Attaining Humility All Year Round
Those who focus on attaining that level of humility all year round
should be applauded for their strength of character and
responsibility. For choosing to live without being ashamed of their
identity as an Australian-Muslim. For being more concerned about how
God perceives them rather thanbow to external pressures from society.
And most of all, for setting an example to all those channel
surferswho display an outstanding force of will power and yet do not
go the extra mile unless asked to do so.
It is this which highlights the true beauty of Ramadan - its ability
to unite a community and people, and to encourage an attitude of peace
and generosity. If excelling as afaithful believer and good
humanitarian for 30 days reaps such rewards, then itwould only be a
disservice to ourselves to keep such behaviour dormant for another 335
days of the year. So as I pass by the bakery and look at that
doughnut, I learn that simplicity is the key to a good life - I can
have my cake and eat it too.

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