Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3] 5 Ways to Reconnect with the Spirituality of Ramadan

Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, is special to
millions of Muslims worldwide as a holy period dedicated to fasting,
self-purification, and spiritual attainment. Every year the world's
Muslims redesign their lifeto focus on the goals of Ramadan: A
whole-body awareness of God and a humble thankfulness for whatever
blessings He hasgranted.
But Ramadan in non-Muslim countries can be more challenging, as
Muslims try to navigate the requirements and recommendations of
Ramadan–fasting from sunrise to sunset, fitting in the five daily
prayers attheir appointed times, attending special evening tarawih
prayers at the mosque, and reading the Qur'an each day for an entire
month–while juggling the demands of work, school, and family.
While I passed lunchtime in my junior high school guidance counselor's
office during Ramadan, or sneaked a date and waterto break fast during
an evening class in college, or grabbed five minutes in my editor's
office to pray at my first job, my cousins in the United ArabEmirates,
Saudi Arabia, and in Pakistan enjoyed half-days at school and work and
a week's vacation for Eid-ul-Fitr, the holiday at the end of Ramadan.
But I figure, though it's harder to fast and heighten spirituality
when everyone around you isn't joining in, it sure makes the inner
striving more special. And 18 years of fasting in this country have
taught me some valuable strategies for living a Muslim life in
anon-Muslim society while enjoying both.
Here are five practices I'vefound helpful in simplifying and
spiritualizing my Ramadan experience. And if you're not a Muslim,
these tips can be adapted to make your daily life a little more
spiritual and uncomplicated.
1. Take the Remembrance of God Inward
Do as much dhikr as you can during Ramadan
Do dhikr (reciting short du'as, or supplications) silently while
you're driving, waiting in line somewhere, or doing endless household
tasks. Keep a thasbi (the equivalent of a Muslim rosary) in your purse
or pocket and use it to countoff du'as.
Not Muslim? Spending whatever downtime you have to remember God or
peacefully meditate is a great idea for everyone. Thousands of hours
go by every year in our work commutes, in chauffeuring our kids
around, in keeping the house going. Why not try to use that time to
quiet our minds, remind ourselves of a higher being, and appreciate
what we've been given?
2. Appreciate Technology, and ThenTune It Out
In past Ramadans I always went on a sort of technology crash
diet–television, music, inane web surfing, and movies were all
self-banned for 30 days. All the extra time was designated for reading
Qur'an, praying, and reconnecting with my family. Well, crash diets
never work in the long term, and technology does keep the world
So the better thing to do is to use technology wisely: Use your email
to stay in contact with friends and family and seehow their month is
going,get the news from television and the Internet, watch one
favorite TV show to wind down, and use your ipod to listen to Muslim
books or Qur'anic prayers. And then, when basic needs have been met,
turn the technology off and take the extra time to pray andreconnect.
Not Muslim? The same rule can apply. Use the technology to do what you
need to do for work and family. But then, instead of spending
hourssurfing the web or TV channels, fight the urge and tune out.
Discover your family, and discover meditation and prayer. You can
start slow–cut out an hour of web surfing (or one TV program) every
week andbuild up.
The Al-Zaim family of Duxbury, Massachusetts sits, gathered together
fortheir dinner after 7pm on September 14th, 2008, to break their
Ramadan Fast.(Justine Hunt/Globe Staff Photo) #
3. Iftar as a Family
Having iftar as a family more often should be easier this Ramadan.
Muslims follow a lunar calendar, which moves Ramadan back 10 days
earlier each year. This year nearly half of the month will progress
with iftar time being around 7 p.m.–late enough for the family to be
home together. Breaking fast with the family is a great opportunity to
appreciate one another's holy efforts and discuss spiritual topics.
Not Muslim? The family dinner is a concept hammered home by family and
social organizations. Even some television stations, like Nickelodeon,
show promos advising us to "Make time for the family table." A weekly
or bi-weekly family dinner isa great time to reconnect, to learn about
each other,and to discuss a designated list of topics that are of
interest to your family.

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