Asalaamu Alaikum.
People can often get harmed from magic, evil eye, curse, bad luck,
possession by Jinns and ghosts, etc.
But the first line of defense: How do we ensure that magics and evil
eyes does not even affect us in the first place?What are the
precautions?What are the mistake thatpeople make?
Thanks in advance.
Wa alaikumusalaam akh,
Al-'ayn and sihr are from the evil of of what Allah has created and we
are taught to seek refuge in Him, from them (read the tafseer of surat
al-Falaq for example). The Prophetصلى الله عليه وسلم said : العين حق
"the evil eye is (inreality) truth..." [saheeh Muslim, 2188] and it is
not necessary that the person who puts an evil eye on another actually
means to do it. Thus it is not possible to totally prevent evil eye
(or magic), but there are ways by which we can reduce and limit their
effects and harms. From this is increasing one's imaan and tawwakul in
Allah; increasing one's righteous deeds; doing ruqya on oneself from
theestablished du'as, means and methods; eating of the type of food
that prevents such harm (e.g. ajwa dates); and many others.
There is a narration recorded in at-Tabarani, Bayhaqi and other, in
which the Prophet صلى اللهعليه وسلم is reported to have said: "Seek
help in having your needs met by being discreet, for everyone who is
blessedwith something is envied." Despite its questionable chain, the
meaning remains correct and corroborated. It is usually when one is
givengreater rizq and bounty from Allah, and he displays it
unreservedly that he puts himself in a position where he risks the the
envy of the envier.One should be aware of all these facts and be
intelligent in these matters.
Allah is the source of guidance and protection.
إن ينصركم الله فلا غالب لكم وإن يخذلكم فمن ذا الذي ينصركم من بعده وعلى
الله فليتوكل المؤمنون
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