Sunday, August 5, 2012

1a] Who are Ahl al-Hadeeth?

preserve hisreligion. Their light is radiant, their virtues are well
known, their signs are apparent, their views are predominant, and
their proofs are indisputable. Every factionis devoted to a certain
desire that it refers to andan opinion that pleases it and so to it is
devoted, except for the People of Hadīth (Ashāb al-Hadīth), for the
Book is their provision, the Sunnah is their proof, and the Messenger
is their faction. It is to him that they ascribe. They are not
concerned with the desires and opinions. What they narrate from the
Messenger is acceptedand they are the ones trusted in that. They are
the caretakers and guardians of the religion, and they are the
receptacles and bearers ofknowledge. When there isa dispute concerning
Hadīth, they are referred to, and their judgment is accepted. From
them comes every erudite jurist,every noble Imām, every ascetic
amongst his scribe,and every righteous preacher. They are the great
majority, and it is their path which is upright. Every innovator
pretends to share their creed and does not dare to express a view
other than theirs. Anyone who plots against them, Allāh breaks him.
Whoever stubbornly opposes them,Allāh forsakes him. They are not
harmed by those who forsake, nor is there prosperity for those who
separate from them. The one who cares for his religion is in need of
their direction, the one whose sight is engaged by evil does not see
them, and indeed Allāh is Able to assist them." [Al-Khatīb
al-Baghdādī, Sharaf Ashābal-Hadīth, p. 4]

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