Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is it permissible to give salaams to someone who is praying?

Is it permissible for a Muslim to give salaams toa Muslim when he is
praying or he is making dhikr or du'aa'?
Praise be to Allaah.
Firstly, it is prescribed for a Muslim to initiate the greeting of
salaam to his Muslim brother when he is praying, but the one who is
praying should notreturn the salaams whilst praying, except by making
a gesture in a manner that will maintainthe validity of his prayer,
because it was narrated that Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said:
"I asked Bilaal, How did the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) return their salaam when they greeted him
whilst he was praying? He said, With a gesture of his hand."
(Narrated by Ahmad, 6/12; Abu Dawood, 1/569,no. 927; al-Tirmidhi,
2/204, no. 368; al-Bayhaqi, 2/262; also narrated by the five).
It was also narrated fromhim that Suhayb (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said: "I passed by theMessenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) whilst he was praying. I greeted him with salaam
and he responded with a gesture." And he said: I am not sure whether
he said "a gesture with his fingers". (Narrated by the five, apart
from Ibn Maajah. Al-Tirmidhi said: both hadeeths are saheehin my
It was reported that Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her)
said: I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
forbidding us to pray two rak'ahs after 'Asr, then I saw him praying
them when he prayed 'Asr. She said, he entered and there were some
women from Bani Haraam, from among the Ansaar, with me. He started to
pray them [these two rak'ahs after 'Asr], so I sent a young girlto
him, and I told her, 'Stand beside him and sayto him, Umm Salamah is
saying to you, O Messenger of Allaah, I heard you forbidding us to do
these two rak'ahs and now I see you praying them. If he makesa gesture
with his hand then leave him and go back.' So the young girl did that
and he made a gesture with his hand, so she left him and went back.
When he finished praying, he said: 'O daughter of Abu Umayyah, you
asked about the two rak'ahs after 'Asr. Some people from Banu 'Abd
al-Qays came to me and kept me from doing the two rak'ahs after Zuhr,
and that is what these were.'" (Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim).
These ahaadeeth indicatethat it is prescribed to say salaams to a
person whilst he is praying, and that he should respond tothe greeting
with a gesture, because this is what the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) approved of initiating the salaam, and he
returned the greeting with a gesture only.
Secondly, it is prescribed for the Muslim to initiate the greeting to
one who is engaged in making dhikr or du'aa', because it was reported
that Abu Waaqid al-Laythi (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
"Whilst the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was
sitting in the mosque and there were some people with him, three
people came in. Two of them came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) and one went away. When they came up
to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him), they greeted him with salaam. One of them found a space in the
circle and sat down, and the other sat down behind him. The third one
turned and went away. When the Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) had finished (his talk), he said: 'Shall I tell
you about these threepeople? One of them turned to Allaah so Allaah
accepted him; the second felt shy so Allaah will feel shy (to punish
him); and the third turned away so Allaah turned away from him."
(Narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta', 2/960; Ahmad, 5/219; al-Bukhaari,
1/24, 122; Muslim, 4/1713, no. 2176;al-Tirmidhi, 5/73, no. 2724; Abu
Ya'laa, 3/33, no. 1445).
And in al-Saheehayn it is narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be
pleased with him) that a Bedouin entered the mosque and prayed, but he
did not do the rukoo' and sujood properly. Thenhe came and greeted the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) with salaam. The
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) returned his
greeting then said, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed."
And Allaah is the Source ofstrength.

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