Wednesday, August 8, 2012

7a] Rights of the Husbandand Wife in Islam

hurt his feelings. Perhaps nothing can illustrate the point better
than the Qur'anic statement which describes the righteous people as
those who pray saying: "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring
who will be the joy and the comfort of our eyes, and guide us to be
models of righteousness." (Al-Furqan: 74)
This is the basis on which all the wife's obligations rest and from
which they flow. To fulfill this basic obligation:
1- The wife must be faithful, trustworthy, and honest.
2- She must not deceive her mate by deliberately avoiding conception
lest itdeprive him of legitimate progeny.
3- She must not allow anyother person to have access to that which is
exclusively the husband's right, i.e. sexual intimacy.
4-She must not receive anyone in his home whom the husband does not like.
5-She may not accept their gifts without his approval. This is
probably meant to avoid jealousy, suspicion, gossip, etc., andalso to
maintain the integrity of all parties concerned.
6- The husband's possessions are her trust. If she has access to any
portion thereof, or if she is entrusted with any fund, she must
discharge her duty wisely and thriftily. She may not lendor dispose of
any of his belongings without his permission.
7- With respect to intimacy, the wife is to make herself desirable; to
be attractive, responsive, and cooperative.
8- A wife may not deny herself to her husband, forthe Qur'an speaks of
themas a comfort to each other. Due consideration is, of course, given
to health and decency."

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