Friday, August 10, 2012

4c] Laylat al-Qadr: The Night of Power

to worship. (5) Realization that the angels are aroundis encouragement
for the servants to devote more time to good deeds as a man will work
harder when a foreman is present.
"...And the Spirit..." (Al-Qur`an 97:4)
There are several explanations for the meaning of the Spirit: (1) The
Spirit is comprised of groups of special angels who are seen only on
the Night of Power; (2) it is referring to Al-Qur`an , as Allah (SWT)
stated: "And thus have We, by Our command sent inspiration (spirit) to
thee..." (Al-Qur`an 42:52) , (3) This is a reference to Angel Jibreel,
as this is a special honor to Jibreel who has been mentioned twice
Surah 42 first with anotherangel, and separately as the spirit of
Allah (SWT) as the Qur`an says: "Verily this is a revelation from the
Lord of the Worlds. With it came down the spirit of faith and truth."
(Al-Qur`an, 26:192-193) Thus the correct explanation of the spirit,
Ruuh , is Jibreel in this verse to indicate the angels on one side and
Jibreel on the other, while they were descending.
"...By Allah`s permission..."
This indicates the angels extend a request to come to meet the
believers; and to underscore the fact thatangels are infallible; that
they do not make a move without explicit permission from their Lord.
Allah (SWT) states:"They speak not before He speaks, and they act (in
all things) by His command." (Al-Qur`an, 21:27) "(The angels say) We
descend not but by command of thy Lord..." (Al-Qur`an 19:64)
"(Their) Lord." It indicates honor for the angels. It is as if Allah
(SWT) is saying ``They are for Me and I am for them''. Similarly,
Allah (SWT) said regarding us:"Verily your Lord is Allah Who created
the heavens and the earth in six days..." (Al-Qur`an, 10:3) And
regarding Prophet Muhammad (saas) Allah said: "Behold, your Lord said
to the angels..." (Al-Qur'an, 2:30)
It has been reported that when Prophet David was terminally ill, he
asked Allah to be for his son Solomon, as He was for him. Allah (SWT)
replied, saying: "Tell Solomon to be for Me as you are for Me.
(Al-Qur`an 2:30)
"...On every errand..."
This indicates the angels and the Spirit descend for different
purposes: some come down for prostration, some for bowing, and others
for supplications for the believers and salutations. Or they come down
carrying with them the proclamations of the coming year.
"Peace!..." (Al-Qur`an 97:5)
There are several explanations to this verse: (1) The whole Night of
Power, from sunset to the break of dawn, will be spent by the angeles
in salutation. (2) The purposeis to describe the night with peace
because of the salutation from the angels.That is very important,
because when seven angels visited Prophet Ibrahim (saas) and saluted
him, he was very happy, and when Nimrod threw him in the fire, it
turned ice-cold when the angels saluted him. (3) This is a wish of
safety and peace from all evil and harmful things, or the angels will
only bring on this night, good things!
"...Until the rise of morn." (Al-Qur`an 97:5)
All the honor, blessings and peace of the Night of Power will continue
in every second of the night until Fajr. Allah (SWT) is the Best

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