Friday, August 10, 2012

4b] Laylat al-Qadr: The Night of Power

:-> twenty-ninth.''
Seeking The Night
It is recommended to seek the night and spend it diligently in
devotion, including night Sunnah prayers ( Tahajjud ), recitation of
Al-Qur'an and supplications. In a hadith related by Abu Hurairah
(raa), the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "He who spends the night in
prayer on the Night of Power, as a sign of His faith, and seeking
rewards from Allah, his previous sins willbe forgiven."
(Bukhari/Muslim) This citation indicates that regardless of whether a
person knows the night or not, Allah will grant him forgiveness for
previous shortcomings.
" And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?; The Night
of Power is better than a thousand months." (Al-Qur`an 97:2-3)
Allah (SWT) is emphasizingby putting the second verse in question
form. The answer being no one knows, or comprehends, the awesomeness
and the depth of honor of the night. As if to say whatever merits
Allah informs you about the night is just nothing compared to the
things you have no idea about. Nonetheless, He mentions three honors
in the credit of the night: 1."The Night is better than a thousand
months. 2. "Therein, come down the angels..." and 3."Peace!"
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. This indicates
thatacts of worship such as prayer, charity, and recitation done on
this night are better in reward than the same act done onother nights.
The rewards ( thawaab ) are being multiplied several-fold.
Imam Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (saas) was shown the
long life span of people of previous nations, so the Prophet bemoaned
the shortness of the life span of the Ummah, fearing that they might
not be able to save many good deeds for the Hereafter. Therefore,
Allah gave him the Night of Power to compensate for their lack of
longevity. Hence, the devoted believer has as chance of adding 80
something years of worship to his life on the Night of Power. You see,
for instance, if you worshipAllah on this night every year for 65
years, by multiplying 65 by 80, you would have lived for 5,200years,
or achieved the reward of a person who lived that long.
You can see why the devotions were highly encouraged by the Prophet.
Indeed, you can achieve the honor of the Night of Power if you so wish
by spending the odd nights of the last ten days in acts of worship.
"Therein, come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission,
on every errand." (Al-Qur`an 97:4)
This is far from the earlier cry of the angels who, when Allah told
them, "...I will create a vicegerent on earth," they said, "Will
youplace therein one who willmake mischief therein and shed blood?..."
(Al-Qur`an, 2:30)
You see, when the angels first looked at our spirit with its traits of
mischief, vanity and desires, and therages of anger, they, the
embodiment of all that is good, did not like us at all. That explains
their response in the above verse. So is the case with parents, when
they first conceptualize the shape ofthe offspring, semen and
congealed blood; they do not like it. They will even wash their hands,
clothes and everything that this substance touches, a gruesome thing.
They mayeven think about aborting the baby in the beginning.
But after the baby is being fashioned in the most beautiful shape and
they feel the movement of life, they change from dislike to caring
That is seemingly what happened to the angels. When they saw in us
this beautiful spirit of knowingthe Creator, and worshipping Allah
alone, they changed from dislike to complete love, and cannot wait for
another Night of Power to come down so they can pray for us. Allah
states: "...And they implore forgiveness for those who believe..."
(Al-Qur`an, 40:7)
He used the form ( tanazzal ) "They come", to indicate that the angels
descend on the Night of Power, group after group; some coming down to
earth while others ascend into the heaven. This heavenly, angelic
organized traffic of good will continues until the break of dawn.
As for the reasons why they come, there are several explanations
including: (1) they descendto witness how we worship and obey Allah,
and (2) to show their deeplove for the believers. This is why they
seek permission from Allah to come and meet us. This is a once-a-year
opportunity they do not like to miss. (3) Allah promised the believers
that in the hereafter, angels will approach on them with greetings:
"...And the angels shall enter into them from every gate (with the
salutation): Peace be unto you for thatyou persevered in patience..."
(Al-Qur`an, 13:23-24)
Now, if you preoccupy yourself with worship of Allah, the angels will
descend on you with salutations. (4) Allah (SWT)singles out this night
with honors on the earth so theangels can come down and increase their
rewards,and as a means to encourage the human raceto worship. :->

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