Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Youth's Search ForTruth

Some time ago there was a young boy by the name of Amsa. Amsa lived in
a little house with his mother Mariah and little brother Joshua. Amsa
worked hard everyday, listened to his mother, and often from time to
time he would go to the little mosques in town. The other boys in town
would often make fun of Amsa because instead of playing tag and
throwing rocks in the pond he would have much rather want to peer into
the door of the mosque where he would silently study and observe the
men as they prayed on there little carpets 5 timesa day. This
fascinated Amsa a lot he wanted to pray just like the men he observed,
but he knew that his friends and familywould object. So one day Amsa
just stopped sneaking to the door of the mosque and started throwing
rocks in the pond like the other boys did. Years passed and Amsa had a
family and became a good Muslim man but he never told his family that
he had became Muslim in fear of what they would say. But one day he
went to visit his mother and little brother and he noticed that Joshua
wasn't playing with the other boys instead he would go to the mosque
and peek into the door just as Amsahad did as a child. Seeing this
amazed Amsa so much that he had cried out to Allah in happiness. Amsa
immediately took Joshua by the hand and Joshua could see the visible
tears in Amsa's eyes. Amsa told Joshua all about Islam in that day and
Joshua immediately joined Islam the same day.
Allah has done somethingso wonderful for Amsa Allah gave Amsa the gift
of teaching Islam to his little brother.

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