Saturday, July 7, 2012

Why She Became A Muslim

Shaikh Khidir, a Khateeb inToronto, narrated the following conversion
incident of a woman during a Friday sermon last year. He mentioned
that a Non-Muslim woman moved to a Muslim country for some business
purposes. As she stayed among the Muslims and saw their lifestyle, she
was impressed and wanted to learn more about Islam. As a result, she
started borrowing books from the local library about Islam. A Muslim
lady in the library used to ask heroften if she was convincedto become
a Muslim yet. She would reply that the time hasn't come yet. Oneday as
she got some books from the library and was walking back home, the
iqamah for coming to the prayer was called in a masjid across the
road. She observed that a person who was sweeping the floor had left
his work and stood onthe line to pray and right beside him stood a
rich man who came to the masjid driving a very expensive car. At that
moment, she decided to become a Muslim as she was greatly impressed by
seeing that in Islam there is no difference between the rich and the
poor when they stood in front of Allah.
"O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you
into nations and tribes, that you may knowone another. Verily, the
most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa
[i.e. one of the Muttaqun (pious)]. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing,
All-Aware." Holy Quran, Surah Al-Hujuraat, 49:13

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