Salih ibne Mismar (ra) narrates: Rasulullah (SAW) asked Harith ibne
Malik (RA): How are you, O Haright ibne Malik? He replied: By the
grace of Allah, I am a Mu'min (in a state of Imam). Rasulullah (SAW)
asked: A true Mu'min? He replied: A true Mu'min. Raslulullah (SAW)
said: For every truth, thereis a reality. So what is the reality of
the truth of that (which you claim)? He replied, I have turned myself
away from the world, and passed my nights awake (in worship) and
passed my days in thirst (fasting). It is as if I am seeing the Arsh
(Throne) of my Rabb (Sustainer) when it shall be brought, and it is as
though I am seeing the people of Paradise visitingone another therein,
and itis as if I am hearing the howling of the people of the Fire! At
that Rasulullah(SAW) said: (Harith is such)A Mu'min whose heart has
been enlightened. Source: Musannaf Abdur Razzaq.
May Allah give us the ability to bring such faith into ourselves also.
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