Friday, June 15, 2012

Of duas and fears

I am someone who prays a lot to Allah. I ask for everything. I really
believein the powers of dua.
I am going through a hardtime lately and feel depressed. I've been
reciting "hasbinullahu wa ni'mal wakeel, ni'mal maula wa ni'mun
naseer". Alhumdullillah it has always helped me.
Lately, I found that you could also recite ayat-e-kareema when you are
distressed. I've always known that ayat-e-kareema is very effective
and powerful dua but I once heard it from a friendthat you shouldn't
mispronounce any word of it or else it could backfire.
So, I always felt reluctant reading it. Then lately, I thought, what
the heck, I'llread it carefully as I think it's a beautiful dua but
thecurious cat in me wanted to be sure so I googled it. Ifound it's
"jalali" i.e something you shouldn't recite in excess amounts and
should be read after getting permission from a shaikh or a scholar,
both of which didn't make sense to me so I disapprove. However, one of
the answers on anothersite said that as it is a verypowerful dua it
shouldn't be read for every small matter as it creates emergency in
heavens, so this dua should be recited only in times of real hardships
or calamities.
First it made sense to me then it didn't. I mean whatis a calamity?
Who will define what level of my hard times is declared calamity for
me? or how would I know my hard time isn't really hard for me. So, I
save it for the real hard times? and suppose if I read it when my
resulting is coming outand I fear I will fail, can't I recite it? Or
will I be violating the gravity of thedua?
Now some other questions regarding dua:
Suppose, if it does create"emergency" for the fulfillment of dua, is
that abad thing? I mean nobodycan force the will of Allah
(nauzobillah) and only if He wills it, it will happen. Besides, Allah
likes it whenwe keep asking Him in supplications, right?
Having said that, a question arises in my mind, can it happen that
Allah grants us something which is bad for us? I mean sometimes like
people say, when your dua isn't answered, something better is in store
for you. But if you still ask for it and you get it after a good time,
does it mean, the better was dismissed and you insteadgot what wasn't
really good for you?
A friend of mine once said: don't ask Allah what you want. Ask Allah
to give you what is good for u. I, however, believe that you should
ask Allah what you want and if He wills it, he may make it better for
you and grant it. He is after all, all powerful! Is my approach wrong?
Also, how long is too long? how long should you keep asking for dua?
Is there any limit to it? Sometimes, months go by and your dua is
still unanswered. Is that a sign that you should stop? and if you
stop, will all your previous duas be"expired" or you should think they
are pending and will be answered when the right time will come and
move on with your life? or keep making the dua?
Finally, an issue that's not really an issue but sometimes I panic to
thinkabout it. My mom went to an astrologer and asked her how my
future would be (I've recently found that it's a major shirk, I have
since repented and I will never try finding about my future from any
source whatsoever). So, this astrologer tells my mom that I would have
a very difficult married life. (this was supposedly told by another
astrologer too)so, I shouldn't think about marriage in near future. I
should instead focus on studying and possibly go abroad.
Anyhow, I know that no astrologer has any authority of predicting
myfuture. only, Allah knows best. yet, sometimes I fear what if it
comes true. NOT because the astrologer said so, but because I believed
it to be true for a long time, before hearing it from any astrologer.
I don't know since when, I developed this fear that I would have
difficulties in my married life. They say, when you fear something
strongly, it comes true. Now, I don't know how to get this fear out of
my mind. Although, I have overcome it but since I'm not gonna listen
to this astrologer and insha'Allah I am gonna marry in near future if
God wills it but sometimes, just sometimes my mind shiftsto "what
Could it happen that my marriage was destined to be at the age of 30(
happily married) but I findsomeone at 25 and pray to Allah that I be
married to him and my prayers areanswered and I do get married but I
face difficulties after it. Could it be that the dua changed my qadr?
Since I've chosento marry early?
Please tell me I should geta life and hold onto the rope of Allah even
more strongly and instill some sense into me. I really need to hear
some words of wisdom and good advice.
Thank you for reading sucha long post!
- Naseem