I got married 4 months back alhamdulillah. My wife is a very good lady
alhamdulillah.We both stay in different cities. She is doing her pHD
and live in hostel and I'm working. So we meet on Sundays only.
For two months, everything was alhamdulillah going fine.But recently,
whenever she is in bad mood, she has started showing signs of
disliking me and said that many a times. She finds mistakes in many
actions of mine with regards to her. My in laws supports me so she has
stopped sharing her concerns with them also. But when in good mood,
she does acknowledge hermistakes and keeps on telling me to pray to
Allah to make her patient and good to me.
I love her alot and tried to soothe her feelings by telling her that
adjustment has to be doneby both of us. We may have to leave our
stated positions and move towards compromised positions.
I don't know how to soothe her feelings. I don'tunderstand her mood
swings and how to handleit.