Tuesday, May 1, 2012

See the Beauty Around You

We tend to think of beautiful places as being far away. We imagine
exotic lands like the Caribbean islands, the Mediterranean coast, the
Alps orthe Himalayas, or anywhere in New Zealand, ha ha.
There is glory everywhere. Rightnow, in this moment, there is
something beautiful within the boundaries of your vision, or very
From where I am sitting, through the kitchen window I can see a rose
bush. The pink roses are blooming and reaching for the sky, and it's
quite lovely ma-sha-Allah. I hear birds singing outside, and through
the front window I seea birds of paradise bush, with it's angular
orange flowers.
Closer at hand, on my desk is a lovely ornate metal vase from Egypt.
It is covered in intricate Islamic patterns with verses of the Quran
twining around the sides. There are other beautiful works of art in
the house if I take the time to glance around – including a simple
artwork that my daughter Salma made by sticking different kinds of
leaves to a sheet of paper.
Beauty can be found in ordinarythings as well. On the kitchen counter
I see two lemons cut in half, and beside them a boiled egg. It reminds
me of an artist's tableau and makes me wish I were a painter. My
daughter is playing on the floor with her train set, and she is the
jewel of my eye, ma-sha-Allah.
One of the reasons we fall into depression is that we focus on what we
don't have, or what we have lost; and we fail to see the blessings and
beauty that surround us.
Right now, look around you. Quiet your mind, and focus on beauty.
Remember that life is a gift, and a miracle, and a sign.
And the grazing livestock He has created for you; in them is warmth
and [numerous] benefits, and from them you eat.
And for you in them is beauty when you bring them in [for the
evening], and when you send them out.
And they carry your loads to a land you could not have reached except
with difficulty to yourselves. Indeed, your Lord is Kind and Merciful.
And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride, and
[as] adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.
And upon Allah is the direction of the way, and among the various
paths are those deviating. And if He willed, He could have guided you
It is He who sends down rain from the sky; from it is drink and from
it is foliage in which you pasture.
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palmtrees,
grapevines, and from allthe fruits. Indeed in that is a sign for a
people who give thought.
And He has subjected for you the night and day and the sun and moon,
and the stars are subjected by His command. Indeed in that are signs
for a people who reason.
And [He has subjected] whatever He multiplied for you on the earth of
varying colors. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who remember.
And it is He who subjected the sea for you to eat from it tender meat,
and to extract from it ornaments which you wear. And you see the ships
plowing through it, that you may seek of His bounty; and perhaps you
will be grateful.
And He has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it shift
with you, and [made] rivers and roads, that you maybe guided, And
landmarks. Andby the stars they are [also] guided.
Then is He who creates like one who does not create? So will you not
be reminded?
And if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not enumerate
them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Quran, Surat an-Nahl (The Bee), 16:5-18/


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