Sajda Tilawat Verses (Ayats)
Ayats (verses) Requiring Sajda-e-Tilawat:
Surah Al A'Raf (7) Ayat 206
Surah Al Ra'd (13) Ayat 15
Surah Al Nahl (16) Ayat 50
Surah Bani Israil (17) Ayat 109
Surah Maryum (19) Ayat 58
Surah Al Haj (22) Ayat 18
Surah Al Haj (22) Ayat 77 (Shafi)
Surah Al Farqan (25) Ayat 60
Surah Al Naml (27) Ayat 26
Surah As Sajdah (32) Ayat 15
Surah Sa'd (38) Ayat 24 (Hanafi)
Surah Hamim Sajdah (41) Ayat 38
Surah Al Najam (53) Ayat 62
Surah Inshiqaq (84) Ayat 21
Surah Al Alaq (96) Ayat 1
There are 14 Aayaat of the Qur'an after the recital of which Sajdatut
Tilawat has to be made. These are indicated by the word 'As Sajdah'
shown in the margin and also on the specific Aayaat. (Note: The second
Sajdah in Surah Haj is to be performed by the Shafi'ees, and the
Sajdah inSurah Saad is not a Sajdatut Tilawat for the Shafi'ees. This
is a Sajdatush Shukr for the Shafi'ees and should be performed only
out of Salat.The niyyah(intention) for this is: 'Nawaytu Sajdatush
Shukri lillahi Ta'aala').
According to the Shafi'es and Hanafis there are 14 sajda tilawat in
the Noble Quran. The Hanbalis state that there are 15 sajdas whilst
the Malikis say that there are eleven sajda tilawat in the Noble
When reciting or listening to the Qur'an and on reaching any of these
Aayaat it is Waajib to perform a single Sajdah, according to the
Hanafi's. According to Imaam Shafi'ee Rahmatullahi Alayh it is Sunnah.
The Hanafi scholars say that it is compulsory upon the reciter and
listener to perform the 14 sajdas. The vast majority of jurists,
namely, Malikis, Shafi'es, Hanbalis state that it is sunnah and not
compulsory. However if one is unable to perform the Sajdah at once
then it could be performed soon after. This Sajdah is not Waajib for
women when they are in a state of Haidhor Nifaas.
If an Aayat of Sajdah is read in Salaat then the Sajdah must be made
immediately in the Salaat. The method of performing Sajdatut Tilawat
in Salaat isto complete the Aayat and then immediately go downinto
Sajdah whilst saying Allahu Akbar. After the Sajdah return to the
standing position whilst saying Allahu Akbar and continue recital
without first reading 'Bismillah'.
If an Aayat of Sajdah is repeated several times while seated in one
place then only one Sajdah is Waajib. When one Sajdah Aayat is read at
several different places or if separate Aayaat are recitedat various
places then the corresponding number of Sajdahs will have to be
performed A small house, or the chamber of the Masjid is regarded as
one place. It is desirable to readthe Aayat of Sajda inaudibly to
avoid making the Sajdah Waaj'ib on others who are within hearing
distance. It is makrooh to recite the Qur'an and deliberately omit
reading the Aayat of Sajdah to avoid performingthe Sajdah.
How to Perform The Sajda Tilawat
The same conditions regarding Tahaarat, Wudhu etc. that apply to Salat
are applicable to Sajdatut Tilaawat. Sajdatut Tilawat is prohibited
whilstthe sun is rising, precisely at noon, and from the timethe
colour of the sun changes before sunset untilthe sun has fully set.
The Hanafi method: It is Mustahab (desirable) to stand up and say:
'Allahu Akbar' without raising the hands; then go straight down into
Sajdah; read 'Subhaana Rabbiyal A'ala' three times; arise out of
Sajdah and 'whilst standingup say; 'Allahu Akbar'. There is no Tasleem
(Salaam) after standing up. Although it is better to begin and end
this Sajdah from a standing position, itis also correct to commence
and terminate it from the Jalsa (sitting) position.
The Shafi'ee method:
First say the niyat for Sajdatut Tilawat thus: 'Nawaytu Sajdatut
Tilaawati lillahi Ta'ala' . Then recite the TakbeeratulIhraam(whilst
lifting handsas in salaat) by saying 'Allahu Akbar' and perform one
sajdah. Thereafter whilst standing up say the Takbeer (Allahu Akbar)
andthen recite the Tasleem(salaam) to complete the sajdah.
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