Saturday, May 5, 2012

Health: Low Potassium Symptoms What Are They?

Low Potassium Symptoms What Are They?
The symptoms that you may have with low potassium can be many and you
may not realize that they are the symptoms of having lowpotassium. The
most common symptoms of having low potassium are: muscle cramps or
muscle spasms which can at times be severe, feeling like you have very
weak muscles and feel like you can not move them right, your muscles
hurt and you may not know why they are hurting.
More symptoms of having low potassium are: your heart will feel funny
but you do not know why or you will have heart palpitations and also
sometimes a heartbeat that is not regular, heart rhythm problems also.
You may also feel very tired and not feel like doing anything. You may
also feel very weak almost like you have the flu with low potassium
levels in your body. You may also be veryconstipated and be very
bloated in your stomachfrom the low potassium.You can also have
feelings of being numb in your arms or legs thatmay feel like
neuropathy. You may also urinate quite a lot with lowpotassium.
If you know that you have low potassium treatment isso very important
because this medical condition is very serious especially when it is
affecting your heart. Also if you are on chemotherapy your potassium
will most definitely be checked frequently. If you do not know if it
is your potassium is low then you should most definitely see your
doctor and get checked right away. The test for this is just a very
simple and very basic blood test at your doctor.
The treatment for low potassium for most people is a doctor prescribed
potassium supplement thatyou will have to take everyday. Your
potassium levels will be checked quiteregularly by blood testing. If
your potassium is extremely low then you will need potassium given to
you through an IV and sometimes your vein may hurt while the potassium
isgoing in./

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