Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hadees:- Zikr of Allah

Abu Darda narrated that Rasool Allah said, "Should I not tell you of
such a thinga which are the best and purest deeds in the court of your
Lord, high in ranks (darajat), better for you then spending gold and
silver (in Allah's path), and better than slaying the neck of the
enemy during war? The Sahaba said, "Yes, Oh Rasool Allah! ."He said,
"It is Zikr of Allah." (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira narrated that Rasool Allah said, "Any gathering in which
people sit and do not do Zikr of Allah and do not send Durood upon
their Prophet is of loss for them.If Allah wills, give them azab
(punishment) and if wills, forgive them." (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira narrated that Rasool Allah said, "Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala
says when a person moveshis lips for Zikr of Allah, I am with him. "
Abu Huraira narrated that Rasool Allah said, "Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala
says I am closer to my slave than his supposition of which he keeps of
me. And when he/her does Zikrof Allah, I am with him/her. If he does
Zikr in his heart, I do his Zikr nearMY proximity (closeness) and if
he does Zikr in a gathering, I mention him in a gathering Afdhal
(better) than it. (Bukhari)
Abu Musa Ash'ari narrated that Rasool Allah said, "He/She who doesZikr
of Allah and he/she who doesn't, their example is of like an alive and
a dead. (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira said that Rasool Allah said, "The angels look for those
who do Zikr of Allah on the paths. When they find those who are doing
Zikr of Allah then they call eachother, "Come, your desiredhas been
found." Then those angels cover those are doing Zikr of Allah up to
the skies of this world with their wings. And Allah Rabbul Izzat says
about them to those angels "What are my slavedoing?" Though Allah
knows more than those angels. The angels say, "Those people are doing
your Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, and Tamjeed." Rab Ta'ala says, "Have they seen
me?" The angels say, "We swear by your pure Entity, they have not seen
you." Rab Ta'ala says to them, "If they had seen me then what would be
their state?" The angels say, "If they could've seen you then they
would do your Tamjeed and your Tasbeeh even more."
Rab Ta'ala says, "What slaves are asking from me?" The angels say,
"They are asking for Jannat from you." Rab Ta'ala says, "Have they
seen Jannat?" The angels say, "We swear by Your Pure Entity, they have
not seen Jannat." Rab Ta'ala says, "If they had seen Jannat then what
would be their state?" The angelssay, "If these people had seen jannat
then their greed, desire, and inclination for it would increase. Rab
Ta'ala says, "What else are they doing?" The angels say, "They are
seeking refuge." Rab Ta'ala says, "From what are they seeking refuge?"
The angels say, "They are seeking refuge from Hell." Rab Ta'ala
says,"Have they seen Hell?" Theangels say, "Oh Rab, we swear by Your
Pure Entity,they have not seen it." RabTa'ala, "If they had seen it
then what would be their state?" The angels say, "If they had seen it
then they would run even further away from it and fear it even more.
Rab Ta'ala says, "angels, Be witnesses that I have forgiven them." An
angel says, "There is one person amongst them who is not part of those
who do Zikr, he is there for some necessity of his/her." Rab Ta'ala
says, "These are such people that even those sitting among them are
not deprived." (Bukhari)
Anas narrated that Rasool Allah said, "When you pass by gardens of
paradise, eat fruits of them. The Sahaba said, "What are the gardens
of Paradise?" He said, "The gatherings of Zikr." (Tirmizi)
Abu Huraira narrated Abu Saeed Khudri said that Rasool Allah said,
"Whenever a Jama'at (a group of people) sits for Zikr of Allah, the
angels surround it. Blessing covers that Jama'at. And peace and calm
descends on them. And Allah mentions them to the angels present in HIS
court. (Muslim)
Ameer Muaviah narrated that the Rasool Allah passed by a Jama'at and
asked them, "Why have you gathered here?" Somepeople of the Jammat
replied, "We have gathered here for the Zikr and Hamd of Allah because
by guiding us towards Islam He did favor on us. Rasool Allah said, "By
Allah, have you gathered only for this (purpose)?" They said, "By
Allah, we have gathered here only for such purpose./

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