Foods to stock up on and those to avoid to beat the heat.
It's summer and most people are drinking water like thirsty men in a
desert.But in the midst of all this guzzling to prevent dehydration we
tend to neglect our diet! Sure, the body needs water to replenish lost
fluids, but it also requires a special summer diet too! Here are some
food items that can make your summers cool:
Vegetables: Those with high water content should top the list, as they
help hydrate your body from within. Foods such as onions, tomatoes,
cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, carrot, cauliflowerand sprouts should
find a place on your plate, as theyserve to cool your body from within
while providing the daily quota of nutrition.
Non Veg: For those who feel empty without their quota of meat, try
fish. Thisis better than red meat or chicken because it containsfatty
acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6.
Gooseberry: Not only is amla a great refresher, it also helps reverse
the ageing effects of the sun and gives you added stamina for gym
sessions. It strengthens the heart, hair and different glands.
Apricot: If you're prone to skin breakouts or acne in summer, apricot
can help. It provides iron, vitamin C, potassium and fibre. Enjoy it
as a great pre- or post-workout snack.
Buttermilk : Buttermilk is better than diet soda. It is one of the
healthiest summer drinks. Down a glass a day to avoid dehydration and
digestion issues.
Cardamom : Look no further than your cup of elachi chai for an instant
cool down. Cardamom has wonderful detoxifying properties to
effectively cool down even the most hot-headed days.
Corn: Nothing elevates work stress more than a malfunctioning air
conditioner. So pop some corn. It's a good source of pantothenic acid,
which provides vitamin B to lower stress levels. Boiled corn is a
great snack or a lunch takeaway as it lowers cholesterol levels and is
high in essential carbs.
Mango: Skip Katrina's aamsutra adverts and focus on the real fruit.
Chilled mangoes are the juiciest way to cool off, butif you're looking
for a bit ofspice, try this: Unripe mangoes are a rich source of
pectin. Steam and juice with cumin (jeera) and salt for an excellent
remedy from heat stroke and exhaustion.
Oyster: Already establishedas an aphrodisiac, oysters contain
phytochemicals that wipe out the toxins that encourage sweating. But
they're best consumed fresh and should not be bought from stores where
they're sold in bags and bowls.
Soybeans: Rich in protein, they help prevent summer colds. Add some to
caramelcustards, kheer or payasamto lower bad cholesterol levels.
Kiwi: The fruit is rich in omega 3, relatively easy tofind, and easy
on the pocket. And there is no need to dress up this tasty and
delightful fruit.
Soups : Watery broth-based soups are an excellent choice! Adding
'cool' herbs such as mint orcoriander to the soups is another way of
ensuring that your piping hot soup cools you down from within.
Curd: Curd is a healthy alternative to cold drinks and ice-cream. The
VitaminB in it helps soothe ulcers, allergies and heat boils.
Juices : Be it lime juice, coconut juice, green tea or just plain
buttermilk, drink them all to replenish lost fluids and avail of the
benefits of various nutrients and vitamins.
So, now that you are armed with the do's and the don'ts of a summer
diet , enjoy the sun!
Stay away from them
Cold drinks and ice cream: While fizzy cold drinks and yummy ice
-creams may seem cool, they actually interfere withthe body's own
cooling mechanism!
Coffee and alcohol: Both act as diuretics, which increase urination,
leading to an excessive loss of water from the body
Fried foods: Samosa, vada-pav, burger and pizzacontain a lot of fat,
which on entering the body increases the metabolic rate. This has a
thermal effect on the body, increasing its temperature!
:-> :->
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