Monday, April 30, 2012

"The scholars of evil sit at the doors of Jannah (Circlesof I'lm) calling the people to it with their speech, but calling to the fire

"The scholars of evil sit at the doors of Jannah (Circlesof I'lm)
calling the people to it with their speech, but calling to the fire
with theiractions; everytime they speak their words to the people they
rush forward whilst their actions suggestnot to listen to them - for
ifwhat they had been callingto was true, they would have been the
first to respond. Thus they are seemingly guides, but are in fact
highway robbers."
- Ibn al-Qayyim/
"The Iman (faith) of a person cannot be true untilhe has more trust in
that which is in Allah's Hands than that which is in his own hands." -
'Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)/


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