“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Darwinists have deceived the world with fraud
Let us consider a scientific theory, the Big Bang for instance. This theory was first proposed on the basis of a suspicion and a hypothesis...
Due striving for Allah' s approval
Man strives hard to attain worldly favors, on which he sets his mind as being the ultimate goal in life. He does his utmost to gain materi...
Life in the society of ignorance
One of the most significant characteristics of someone who can appreciate Allah's might and thus reorients all his deeds to earn Allah...
Story, - Facebook love. The happy ending
hi,im bithi. i read in 12 nd um 18. my story isnt realy a story. its the reality of my life. my story starts somehow like this... When i w...
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