Man strives hard to attain worldly favors, on which he sets his mind
as being the ultimate goal in life. He does his utmost to gain
material prosperity, recognition of social status or some other
worldly benefit. For"a paltry price" (Surat at-Tawba: 9)that will slip
out of his hands in a very short while, he makes an all-out effort.
Muslims, who aspire to a much greater reward, that is, to the approval
of Allah and His Garden, also strive hard for their cause.A believer
strives with "all due striving" for the approbation of Allah and for
the Hereafter. He "sells" his property and his life for the cause of
No difficulty a believer encounters in the way of Allah thwarts his
commitment, provided that he has sold "his property and self" to
Allah. Nothing but Allah's approbation has any attraction for him.
Aware that he is not the "owner" of his body and property, he never
follows the vain desires of the self (nafs). Allah is the owner of his
body and everything he owns, and they will be put to service in
compliance with Allah's will.
The only criterion for being a believer is to feel a sincere desire to
seek Allah's approval and not to refrain from making any sacrifices on
the way of Allah when circumstances call for such sacrifices.
Believers are those who are"purified with a pure thought, remembrance
of the Home (of the Hereafter)" (Surah Sad: 46).A believer does not
seek any benefit other than Allah's approbation. He hopes to please
Allah, have His mercy and attain Paradise, because"anyone, male or
female, who does right actions and is a believer, will enter Paradise.
They will not be wronged by so much as the tiniest speck." (Surat
an-Nisa': 124)
Paradise is the abode of those who"believe with certainty"in Allah and
the Hereafter(Surah Luqman: 4)and then "strive with all due striving"
in the way of Allah. The end of those who "worship Allah right on the
fringe of true faith" and place their trivial worldly interests right
next to the pleasure of Allah is described thus in the Qur'an:
Among the people there are some who profess to serve Allah but who
stand on the very fringe of good faith. If good befalls them, they are
content, but if an ordeal befalls them, they revert to their former
ways, losing both this world and the hereafter. That way true
perdition lies. (Surat al-Hajj: 11)
Believers are covetous of the Hereafter. Allah promises believers a
beautiful endless life in the hereafter. Our Lord promises believers
that He will give a good life to His believing servants in this world,
too. Yet this in no way means that they will not encounter any
hardship and troubles in this world. The afflictions they encounter
are devised to put them to the test and make them more mature.
The obstacles a believer encounters are ostensibly difficult
situations; but once met with submission, Allah relieves him of all
difficulties. For instance, when his people attempted to cast the
Prophet Ibrahim (as) into the fire because of his faith, his response
was the one peculiar to a Muslim; he favored being thrown into the
fire over turning away from his faith or Allah's commands. Being cast
into a fire is the most terrible physical suffering that might befall
any human being in this world. However, Ibrahim (as), who faced this
trial from Allah in the most submissive manner, was saved from this
seemingly trying experience by the will of Allah, and no harm came to
He said, "Do you then worship, instead of Allah, what cannot help or
harm you in any way? Shame on you and what you worship besides Allah!
Will you not use your intellect?" They said, "Burn him and avenge your
deities if you are resolved to punish him!" We said, "Fire, be
coolness and peace for Ibrahim!" They sought to trap him but We made
them the losers. (Surat al-Anbiya': 66-70)
Conclusively, no distress, difficulty or sorrow affect a believer who
seeks Allah's consent and observes His commands. This is demonstrated
in the course of events by which Allah puts a believer's
determination, patience and submission to the test. These are
outwardly troublesome and difficult events; but if met with patience
and submission they allow the individual to discover Allah's mercy.
This aside, Allah informs us in the Qur'an that He does not burden any
soul with more than it can bear:
Allah does not impose on any self any more than it can stand. (Surat
al-Baqara: 286)
Allah does not punish a believer who duly serves Him, neither in this
world nor in the Hereafter. On the contrary, He rewards him most
bountifully both in this world and beyond:
When the righteous are asked, "What has your Lord sent down?" their
reply is, "That which is best." There is good in the world for those
who do good, but far better is the reward of the life to come. How
wonderful is the abode of the righteous: The Gardens of Eden which
they enter, with rivers flowing under them, where they shall have
whatever they desire. That is how Allah repays the righteous. (Surat
an-Nahl: 30-31)
As a reminder from Allah, torment, difficulty and trouble are
inflicted on those who fail to seek the approval of Allah, who do not
demonstrate absolute submission to Him but rather observe the wishes
of their own souls. When believers make a mistake, they consider the
trouble and difficulties they suffer as a consequence as a merciful
warning from Allah, carefully derive lessons from them, repent and
amend their conduct. Unbelievers, however, never learn from the
ordeals they undergo, thereby deserving eternal torment in the
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