“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Swine flu is one of the reasons why Allah has made eating pork unlawful
Pork is one of the foods that Allah makes unlawful in the Qur'an. Atrue Muslim will demonstrate determination in abiding by Allah's...
Fathwa - She accuses her father-in-law of hypocrisy
Question husband is a born muslim but his mother is a non muslim...his father is muslim but is more like a munafiquin...Alhumdu...
Fathwa - A case of incestuous marriage based on doubtof lineage
Question Assalaamu alikum wr wb,Three months ago, our daughter moved back home with us from her (my husband's brother) uncle and Aunty...
Fathwa - She needs to study alone in Europe without a Mahram
Question As-salamu alaikum, My question is about travelling without a mahram. I was living in a place in Africa where there were a lot of ...
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